What is the name of Natalia

The peculiarities of the bearers of this name are enthusiasm, impulsiveness and impetuosity, they are temperamental and obstinate.

In translation from Latin, Natalia means "native".

Origin of the name Natalia:

In the name of Natalia Latin roots, it comes from the word "natalis" - "related", "native".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Natalia:

As a child, Natasha is active, playful and theatrical. Among their peers are ringleaders, they are able to attract and interest. Often takes weak and uncommunicative peers under his care, becomes to protect justice. They study well and diligently, try to get good grades, strive for success and early start to choose their future profession.

Natalia always goes to public work, takes a living part in the life of the team. She seldom is content with simply doing the work, it is important for her to comprehend all aspects of the profession. Equally successful both in the field of art, and in work that requires accuracy and pedantry. In a career she is driven by ambition, her pride does not tolerate criticism.

Caution in them is successfully combined with determination, fearlessness and business sense. The strongest drawback of them is a dangerous self-confidence. For Natalia, it's important to be the first, she does not hesitate to intrigue, find out the relationship, provoke to achieve her. To touch it easily, in anger it flares up like a match, tries to prick in response to pobolnee - and more than once. Natalia avenges for every offense, does not forget anything. Close friends with her little, and it does not bother her - Natalia does not like to reveal to someone the secrets of her personal life. She hides the emotional experience behind the "mask". Friendship with her requires patience and generosity, but Natalia loves close people with loyalty and care.

Natalia is artistic and able to necessarily be charming. Dangerous and prudent rivals. The norms of morality and morality are defended aggressively, at maturity they are hypocrites or puritans.

Sexual life of Natalia is rarely turbulent. Her natural distrust makes you look at your partner for a long time, and can cause stiffness and stiffness in bed. Stormy passions in it are completely subordinated to the cold and strict mind. Nevertheless, Natalia's marriage usually goes away in her youth, rarely postpone marriage until adulthood. To marry are calmly and without special expectations, do not like noisy and frivolous men, they need thoroughness and reliability. The husband should take into account that in the family Natalia is no less self-interested than at work, and with her you need to be delicate and patient. In family quarrels, Natalia is preferred to win in order to preserve peace, it is easier for them to yield, especially since they themselves prefer to avoid serious conflicts with Natalya's husband.

Happy in Marriage Natalia is cheerful, often the center of the family. Her caress and care is enough for everyone, whether it's husband, children or mother-in-law. They love to receive guests, consider it their duty not only to set the table, but also to conduct a conversation, to communicate with everyone.

Interesting facts about the name Natalia:

In Natalia, who were born in the cold months, vindictive and unkind, they are emotional, cunning, calculating. "Summer" Natalia is suggestible, subject to passion and exalted, "spring" indifferent and superficial.

The marriages of Natalie are well formed with the bearers of Boris, Alexander, Vladimir, Yuri and Oleg, unstable alliances with Grigory, Stepan, Vladislav.

Name Наталья in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name of Natalia : Natasha, Natalia, Natalya, Natala, Nathan, Natasha, Nata, Tasha, Nasha, Nalya, Nala, Tal, Tal, Talush, Tata, Tatusya, Natulya, Natunya, Natusya, Tusia

Natalia - color of name : green, red

Flower of Natalia : bell, chamomile

The stone of Natalia : a bloodstone, turquoise

Nicky for the name of Natalia : Tusya, Tusa, Tata, Nat, Natti, Tasha, Svoya, Chamomile, Joy, Rada, Rainbow, Taha, Talia