Hip dysplasia in newborns

Dysplasia is a congenital disease characterized by underdevelopment or deviation of the development of joints and connective tissues.

Connective tissue dysplasia

Dysplasia of connective tissue in children is common and, as a rule, is inherited. The reason is the occurrence of a mutation in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that is part of the connective tissue. The main external feature is the excessive flexibility of the joints. Dysplasia of connective tissue can cause serious diseases of various organs, but first of all the vision and spine suffer. Congenital dysplasia in newborns may not appear immediately, but if one of the parents or relatives has this disease, the child should be examined. Diagnosis and treatment of connective tissue dysplasia should be dealt with by genetics.

Dysplasia of the hip joints (TBS) in children

Dysplasia of the joints occurs in 20% of children. Hip dysplasia, revealed in the first months of life, lends itself to rapid treatment, but if the disease is not detected in time, it will negatively affect the result and duration of treatment. Dysplasia of TBS in children can be caused by a number of factors. Genetic predisposition, the influence of external factors, the use of harmful substances during pregnancy can cause disease. But most often hip dysplasia occurs in newborns born in breech presentation. This is due to impaired mobility in this position, and, consequently, a violation of the development of the joint. In order to detect abnormalities in time and take appropriate measures, it is recommended that after the birth of the child, a check is made. The sign of hip dysplasia in newborns is primarily a violation of joint mobility. Also, asymmetry of the skin folds in the thigh region is sometimes observed. If one leg is shorter than the other, this indicates a severe disruption in the development of the joint. Such a disorder can be both congenital and a consequence of the progression of lighter forms of dysplasia. With any suspicion of dysplasia, a special examination is required. Babies up to 6 months are assigned ultrasound of the hip joints, which allows you to see the presence and extent of disturbances. After 6 months, an X-ray examination may be required to obtain more detailed information.

How to treat dysplasia in newborns and older children can only determine the specialist, based on the results of the survey. Despite the general principles of joint repair, at different ages and with different disorders, the methods of treatment may differ. Dysplasia of the hip joints in newborns is treated faster, and a different approach is required for treatment, since the joints are not yet formed. For the treatment of dysplasia in older children may require more complex treatment, and in complex forms and surgery. For the treatment of dysplasia, a functional method is used to restore joints. Special tires are used that fix the legs of the baby in the correct position. In addition, various physiotherapy and therapeutic massage are prescribed. An important role in the treatment of dysplasia is played by gymnastics, which promotes the development of the joint and the preservation of its mobility. When dysplasia in infants is recommended a wide swaddling, in which the legs of the baby are in a position of moderate dilution, recommended for violations in the development of joints. With a mild form of dysplasia and timely diagnosis for treatment, it will take from 3 to 6 months, in other cases it may take 1.5 years or more.

The success of treatment depends on many factors. Parents should find a good specialist who will be able to deliver the correct diagnosis and correctly advise on treatment. Also, parents should be able to properly take care of the baby, to know what is permissible, and in what situations you need to be cautious. Dysplasia is not a sentence, but with the wrong actions it can significantly worsen the quality of life of the child.