How to develop a child in 3 months?

Your three-month-old kid is more pleased with his successes. At this age, children actively develop and acquire new skills. And parents can support their crumbs in this interesting way of knowing the world. Let's talk about how to properly develop a child in 3 months, what you need to pay special attention.

Motor skills

The child at 3 months often can turn over from the back to the side, hold the head, squeeze and unclench the cams, keep a toy in his hand. For the further development of the baby, the parent can perform the following actions:

Let's look at how to develop a child in 3-4 months with simple physical exercises:

  1. The child lies on his back, the adult bends his legs in the knees and easily tilts them in one direction. The kid often tries to turn after the legs. Then, the same in the other direction. If it does not work the first time, it's okay.
  2. The starting position is the same. The parent raises the baby's right hand over his head, the left leg gently bends at the knee and turns to the right, thereby provoking the child to turn.
  3. Exercise "Reach for the toy." The kid lies on his stomach. Ahead of him at some distance the parent puts a toy and helps the child to reach it, substituting the palm under the bent legs. So the kid can push off from the adult's hand and move closer to the goal.
  4. Very good lessons on fitball - a large gymnastics ball.

Musical development

At the age of 3 months, the kids are already happy to listen to different works: children's songs, classics, mother's singing. Only need to take into account that such classes should last no more than 5 minutes.

You can show the child that different things sound differently. For example, a bell, a rattle, a pipe.

Talk to the child more. This forms the passive vocabulary of your crumbs.

Visual perception

A child at this age already knows how to focus on the subject. So you can diversify your studies with the baby. Play in the "ku-ku", show the child a mirror. Moving the toys in front of him, gradually increase the amplitude.

To develop tactile sensations, parents need to offer their children toys of different texture. You can make such a thing yourself. For example, a rug or book with pages of different fabrics.

If you continue to develop your baby in 3 months, remember that classes should please both you and your child.