Hair loss after birth - how to stop the loss of curls?

During the gestation period, future mothers often notice favorable changes in their appearance, including the condition of the curls. They become thicker and thicker, grow rapidly. 3-4 weeks after the birth of the baby, the situation changes, and the strands literally climb in tatters.

Hair loss after birth - reasons

The organism of a woman preparing to become a mother undergoes a strong hormonal reconstruction. When a child is born, the balance gradually returns to its previous state. The main factor why hair falls out after birth is a rapid decline in the concentration of the reproductive hormone estrogen, which affects the functionality of the follicles.

Before pregnancy, the number of bulbs in the active growth phase is 85-90%. The remaining 10-15% are considered to be "asleep". After the end of the inert period, the dead hair falls out, this is normal. When bearing increases the concentration of estrogen, "resting" follicles becomes less, almost all of them are in the phase of growth and the density of the curls increases. Hair loss after childbirth is caused by the normalization of the hormonal balance . The need for a high amount of estrogen disappears, and the "sleeping" bulbs become larger.

Why do hair fall out after giving birth?

Hormonal imbalance can complicate other factors, worsening the activity of follicles and reducing their activity. Strong hair loss after childbirth appears against the background of accompanying problems:

  1. Stress. The process of birth is both physical and emotional overload, and the first weeks of motherhood are associated with lack of sleep, fatigue and even depression.
  2. Deficiency of vitamins. Very much hair falls out after giving birth to young mothers who overly restrict their diet.
  3. Low hemoglobin. The reason for reducing its concentration is iron deficiency.
  4. Androgenetic alopecia. The disease develops due to excess of male sex hormones and hereditary predisposition to baldness.
  5. Endocrine pathologies. Often, polycystosis of the ovaries and thyroid disease become the cause of the loss of the strands.

How long does hair fall after giving birth?

The length of the problem depends on the factors that provoked it, and the actions that the newly-made mother is taking. If hair loss after birth is moderate and occurs due to the gradual restoration of the former hormonal balance, it will end 10-12 months later. When breastfeeding the baby, this process slows down and can last up to 2 years.

Determine how long hair falls out after childbirth in other situations, is capable of trichologist. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive laboratory and instrumental examination, including an analysis of the condition of the bulbs and the epidermis of the head, to establish the exact causes that caused alopecia. If there is a diagnosis, the doctor will make an informed forecast of the course of the disease.

How to stop hair loss after childbirth?

Reducing the density of strands, associated with physiological causes, will have to wait out. This process is the norm, and when the ratio of hormones is restored to its previous level, the intensive loss of curls will stop on its own. If you want, you can slow down hair loss after childbirth a little, what to do for this:

  1. Less often to expose strands to aggressive styling, including tight tails and braids.
  2. Enrich the diet with products containing a significant amount of minerals, fatty polyunsaturated acids and vitamins.
  3. Use hygienic cosmetics with nutrients.

How to stop hair loss after childbirth due to endocrine diseases, stress or depression, iron deficiency, vitamins and other problems will recommend a trichologist. Specific advice on the control of alopecia specialist will be able to give only after laboratory tests and a comprehensive examination of the scalp and follicles, finding out the causes of baldness.

Hair loss after childbirth - treatment

If the curls thin with a hormonal imbalance, no therapy is required, the body will recover itself after a few months. Hair loss after delivery is a typical phenomenon, which indicates the return of ovarian functions to the previous condition. Admission and local use of medication is necessary when there is alopecia and serious health problems of a young mother. There are several options than to treat hair loss after childbirth. The choice of pharmacological drugs is based on the causes of baldness and is performed only by a doctor.

Remedy for hair loss after childbirth

Therapy of alopecia is performed by trichologists using the following drugs:

Simultaneously with taking these medications, you must follow the general rules how to deal with hair loss after childbirth:

  1. Provide curls for sparing care.
  2. Make the haircut shorter.
  3. To use organic cosmetics .
  4. Balanced and fully nourished.
  5. Avoid stress and overwork.

As a supportive treatment, you can use local anti-hair loss products after delivery:

Masks from hair loss after childbirth

The proposed means serve as auxiliary methods that provide additional nutrition to the follicles and saturation of the bulbs with vitamins, they do not influence the causes of alopecia. Professional and home masks - care procedures, not curl treatment. They must necessarily be combined with complex therapy, developed by a qualified specialist.

Mask for hair against hair loss after childbirth


Preparation, application

In a bowl of glass, mix the peppers and henna. Pour the powder with boiling water and stir to make a viscous mass. Put the ingredients on the steam bath, heat for 30 minutes. Cool the mixture and add olive oil, mix the ingredients until completely homogeneous. Mask neatly with your fingers in the skin and distribute it a small amount of strands. Make a cap of cellophane and towels, wait 1 hour. It is good to rinse the curls with a vegetable soft shampoo.

How to prevent hair loss after childbirth?

Endocrine and hormonal changes in the body of a young mother are unavoidable, and therefore the consequences of such an imbalance can not be prevented, they can be made less pronounced. Prevention of hair loss in this case is reduced to adherence to the principles of rational nutrition and the right way of life. This also implies a full rest, exclusion of stress and anxiety.

When a woman has a predisposition to baldness or a history of alopecia, you should visit a trichologist at the pregnancy stage. The doctor will give recommendations on how to avoid hair loss after childbirth or to reduce the intensity of this process. Sometimes a doctor gives a referral to a consultation with other specialists - an endocrinologist, a gynecologist, a psychotherapist.

Vitamins from hair loss after childbirth

Bearing the baby and the subsequent feeding of the baby leads to an acute shortage of nutrients, micro- and macroelements in the maternal body that need to be filled. This will help vitamins against hair loss after childbirth: