Hormonal hemostasis

Stress, poor nutrition and poor ecology, as well as many other factors, including those that have been infected and abortions, often cause ovarian failure. According to different data, they are observed in every third woman of childbearing age.

Breaking the ovaries can cause a spike in the hormone estrogen and cause uterine bleeding . If menstruation is a normal phenomenon, then dysfunctional bleeding should be the reason for going to the doctor. To distinguish it from menstruation is quite simple: copious bleeding for more than a week, and it is often observed after a long delay. In some cases, the bleeding is completed, but the abundant secretion of clots continues.

Hormonal hemostasis - indications and contraindications

After the examination and additional studies, a gynecologist as a doctor can prescribe hormonal hemostasis. Its goal is to stop bleeding with the help of hormonal drugs. This method is used only in young patients, from 18 to 30 years with moderate discharge. Patients over 30 years of age are shown to have surgery. In any case, experts advise only medical or surgical treatment. Only then will the prognosis for health and life be favorable.

Hormonal hemostasis: drugs for treatment

Combined oral contraceptives are used for hormonal hemostasis. Basically, doctors offer treatment with Regulon and Rigevidone. Both contain the estrogen needed to stop bleeding.

  1. The regimen for hormonal hemostasis is quite simple: take half the tablets every 4 to 6 hours before the discharge stops. This scheme was developed by the main children's gynecologist of the country and is also applied to adult patients. It is believed that hormonal hemostasis Regulon gives the smallest side effect.
  2. High efficiency of hormonal hemostasis with Rigevidone. Usually it is recommended to take every 2 hours until the discharge stops, the treatment can last up to three months. The scheme of hormonal hemostasis is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the complexity. In any case, treatment is necessary, otherwise abundant bleeding can cause anemia and general deterioration.