Syndrome of the vertebral artery

Disorders of blood circulation in the brain are often provoked by pathological conditions of the cervical region, one of which is the syndrome of the vertebral artery. The problem arises from spasms or compression compression of the nerve plexus or the vessel itself, which prevents the normal flow of blood.

Causes of vertebral artery syndrome

The most common factors leading to a violation are:

In addition, the cause of the disease can be a repeated physical load with sharp turns of the neck, for example, in the gym.

Symptoms of the vertebral artery syndrome

As a rule, squeezing the vessel worsens the blood circulation in the brain, which is manifested as follows:

In the long course of the disease under consideration, the clinical picture often resembles the symptoms of a transient ischemic attack or a micro stroke.

Diagnosis of vertebral artery syndrome

At the beginning of the examination, the examination reveals the tension of the muscles located near the occiput, soreness in palpation of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, discomfort when it is necessary to turn or tilt the head.

To confirm the diagnosis, the following methods are used:

In addition, laboratory tests of blood and urine can be performed to identify possible inflammatory processes in the nerve roots near damaged vessels.

How to treat vertebrogenic vertebral artery syndrome?

Therapy of the disease is aimed at eliminating its root cause, as well as alleviating clinical manifestations and pain sensations. Treatment of the vertebral artery syndrome is complex and consists of the following activities:

1. Wearing the collar of Shants (special orthopedic cervical corset), which helps reduce the load on the vertebrae and limit their mobility.

2. Use of physiotherapy:

3. Massage of the collar zone.

4. Application of an individually selected set of exercises.

5. Taking analgesic drugs:

6. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs:

7. The use of drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain:

Operation in vertebral artery syndrome is shown in very rare cases, when conservative medication does not help for several long courses. Surgical intervention involves decompression of the squeezed vessel and the elimination of infringements of the nerve roots located near the artery. The operation takes about 30 minutes, is performed with the use of general anesthesia.