Juice diet - the best diet for weight loss on fruit and vegetable juices

Juices are included in the list of the most popular drinks, which are not only delicious, but also very useful. You can use them to cope with excess weight. The juice diet has several advantages, but it is important to know how to observe it so as not to harm your health.

What juices should I drink for weight loss?

To cope with excess weight, do not buy store juice, because they contain a lot of sugar and other substances, harmful to the figure and health. Diet on purchased juice will not bring the desired results. It is important to drink only natural drinks that need to be freshly squeezed and not contain sugar and salt. It is recommended to choose vegetables and fruits that are seasonal.

Juice diet for weight loss

Many nutritionists and doctors agree that days off on natural drinks rich in vitamins and minerals are useful and even recommended. Diet on freshly squeezed juices will help to cleanse the body, improve metabolism and improve the digestive system. It is important to carry out preliminary training, that is, begin to refuse harmful food, reduce the usual amount of food and include more fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Scientists have proven that products in liquid form are better absorbed by the body. The juice diet will saturate with a lot of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. It is important to consider that a day is allowed not more than two liters of frazha. Juices with pulp are more caloric, so they should be diluted with still water. It is best to combine the use of natural beverages with proper nutrition.

Diet on birch sap

Birch sap juice, which is popular in ancient times, is very useful for health, and it can also be used for weight loss. It has a strong diuretic effect and speeds up the metabolism. Diet on juices for weight loss is setting up the work of the digestive tract and contributes to the improvement of the whole organism. The simplest version of the diet is the use of juice (100 ml) for half an hour before a meal. Adhere to the juice diet can be no more than two weeks. The menu may look something like this:

Diet on lemon juice

With the regular inclusion of citrus in the diet, you can activate the work of the digestive tract, accelerate metabolism, improve the microflora of the intestine and strengthen immunity . To throw off a couple of extra pounds, you can use the express method, designed for two days. To prolong the time of the diet is prohibited, since this can provoke an increase in the acidity of the gastric juice. During this time, you should not drink lemon juice for weight loss, but rather prepare a cocktail.



  1. Powder pour 100 ml of water, put on a plate and boil for a couple of minutes.
  2. After that, cool and add the juice squeezed from lemons, honey and water. All mix well. In addition to the cocktail, you can drink another 1 liter of water.

Diet on orange juice

Delicious and fragrant citrus can be used and, if desired, to lose weight. The fruit is low-calorie and with its help you can quickly cope with toxins and slags. It also improves the metabolism and reduces the feeling of hunger. Orange juice for weight loss should be natural and you should start drinking it with 0.5 tbsp. Long diet is not recommended, so the maximum time is 3 days. There are several options, so the menu is indicated for the day:

  1. Any amount of water and 1 liter of juice.
  2. Low-fat kefir in the amount of 0.5 liters and 1 liter of juice.
  3. 100 grams of low-fat cheese of hard varieties and rye crisps, and 1 liter of juice.

Diet on apple juice

The most popular and affordable option, as these fruits can be found in the store all year round. Freshly squeezed apple juice for weight loss is low-calorie, so on 100 g only 50 kcal are needed. It helps to stabilize the metabolism, relieve the intestines of toxins and improve the tone of the body. Better once a week to spend a fasting day, using a drink at regular intervals. It is important to consider that with the use of juice, there may be a lack of stool, so you can take a mild laxative.

Diet on pineapple juice

In the composition of tropical fruit there is a complex of enzymes that help to break down proteins, burn fats and improve the digestive system. Diet on pineapple juice removes pathogenic bacteria and slags from the intestines, and also removes excess water from the body. Experts do not recommend drinking such a drink and the best solution - twice a week. It must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 1. In these unloading days, you can not only consume juice, but also eat the fruit itself.

Diet on pomegranate juice

A pleasant taste with light acidity, pomegranate juice has a tonic effect, helps to improve metabolism and the digestive system. Pomegranate juice for weight loss helps to cleanse the intestines from harmful substances. It is important to remember that it must be diluted with water, because it can destroy tooth enamel. Within a week, you need half an hour before the main meal to drink 0.5 st. juice diluted with water. After that, another week you need to drink only twice, and another week - once.

Diet on potato juice

The most unusual option, since the taste of this drink is not very pleasant, but it is very useful. Potato juice for weight loss is effective in that it can be used to cleanse and disinfect the intestines, accelerate metabolism and reduce the risk of constipation. There are several tips on how to drink such a vegetable drink correctly.

  1. Start your morning with 100-150 g of freshly prepared juice. It is important to have another 30 minutes before breakfast.
  2. Many do not like the taste of the drink and to improve the taste, you can add a little juice of carrots, apples or lemons. Do not use sugar or salt.
  3. Before dinner, you need to drink a second serving of juice and again for 30 minutes. before meals.
  4. Diet on juice can last for two weeks, and after that there should be a break for seven days.

Diet on cabbage juice

Fresh from cabbage heads can not be called popular, but this does not diminish its useful properties. Nutritionists claim that such juice will help improve the results in losing weight while dietary intake. Explaining this by the fact that it helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improves metabolism and positively affects the state of the digestive system. It is proved that cabbage juice for weight loss inhibits the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. Take it necessary for 1 tbsp. for half an hour before meals for 7-10 days.

Diet on cucumber juice

This vegetable is more than 90% water, so getting juice from it is very simple. It promotes the awakening of the digestive system, improves the digestive tract, helps digest food better, actively cleanses the intestines and relieves excess fluid, that is, cleanses the edema. There are several options, how you can use cucumber juice for weight loss .

  1. A strict diet designed for no more than two days implies the consumption of only vegetable juice, and its amount is not limited. From the diet is excluded not only all food, but water.
  2. Cucumber juice diet has a more gentle option, which implies the use of 1 tbsp. freshly prepared drink before each meal. You can add greens or natural spices to taste. To obtain the result, you must go to the correct food.
  3. You can drink on an empty stomach on your own, or by adding a little honey or lemon. This will trigger the metabolism and digestive system, and will saturate the body with useful substances.

Diet on celery juice

This vegetable can be used in the form of petioles and root vegetables. If you want to throw off the weight you need to use the stems, since there is a lot of starch in the root, which adds calorie content. Celery juice for weight loss restores metabolism, reduces appetite and normalizes the work of the digestive tract. In addition, it has a mild sedative and restorative effect.

  1. To simplify the process of digestion, you can drink a few spoons of juice half an hour before a meal.
  2. You can include juice in the diet, eating it on snacks. To taste, you can add vegetable juices for weight loss, for example, from carrots, pumpkins or cucumbers.