Posters for the film "The House of Strange Children" will not leave indifferent the fans of fairy tales

Before the premiere of a new project, the great inventor Tim Burton remained several months. In our country, this event is scheduled for October 6, and while admirers of mystical horror films can enjoy teasers "The House of Strange Children Miss Peregrine" and new posters for this film.

Recall that the film is a film adaptation of the novel by Ransome Riggs "The House of Strange Children", which can be safely called a real bestseller.

According to the plot of the novel, a boy named Jacob Portman becomes a witness of very strange events. He could not imagine that his grandfather could be gifted with unique abilities, which were partly transferred to the 16-year-old boy himself. In search of answers to questions, Jacob travels not only in space but also in time and gets into the house of strange children - a shelter for teenagers whose unique abilities can harm others and themselves.

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Who is who?

Miss Peregrine is an imbrin, a sorceress who can take on the appearance of a bird and control the temporary loops where strange children hide. They have enemies - "Emptiness" and "Creature". From these bloodthirsty creatures, children are forced to hide in temporary loops, constantly living the same day.

The refuge of Miss Peregrine became home to a dozen strange children of different ages, whom she found one by one across Europe. The role of the teacher of children with weirdness plays the favorite of Tim Burton - Eva Greene.

Young actors were selected for the role of children: Asa Butterfield, Ella Pernell, Cameron King, Lauren McCrost, Thomas and Joseph Oduella. The main villain in the film was played by Samuel L. Jackson.