Buckwheat with kefir for weight loss - how to cook?

Since the times when leanness has become fashionable, women are harassing themselves with all sorts of diets in order to get rid of excess kilograms. There are many diets that give good effect, but not always it is possible to keep achieved.

We present to your attention a recipe, checked by our grandmothers yet - it's buckwheat, soaked in kefir for weight loss. With its help, you can effectively lose excess kilograms without harm to the body.

What is the secret of buckwheat with yogurt, what are the useful properties of this dish and how to cook buckwheat with yogurt for weight loss - all this we will consider below. It is important to note that it is possible to conduct effective unloading days , based on this dish, without causing harm to health.

How useful buckwheat with yogurt?

We all know that porridge should be present in the diet. It is the cereals that are responsible for the metabolism and saturation of the body with all the necessary microelements. By itself, buckwheat is considered a dietary dish, it is often recommended to eat while on a diet. In buckwheat contains a large amount of magnesium and iron, which affects the state of the cardiovascular system. Kefir is a sour-milk product that perfectly cleanses the intestines, which is why these two components were put together to produce the ideal dish for combating excess kilograms. It is kefir that gives a sour taste.

Recipes for cooking buckwheat with kefir

Preparing such a dish is quite simple. When we cook buckwheat, the ratio of water and grains is 1: 1, perhaps the proportion of water can be slightly less if the croup was washed beforehand.

Pour buckwheat kefir in the ratio in which you are comfortable, it all depends on how thick the dish you want to get. Often 2/3 cup of buckwheat is filled with a glass of skimmed yogurt and left overnight. You can cover the dish with a plate or slightly warm kefir .

As you can see, buckwheat with yogurt has quite simple cooking recipes. The result is a hearty dish that satisfies hunger well and cleanses the intestines, thus helping to lose extra pounds.