Stop the internal dialog

Internal dialogue is a psychological concept that denotes the process of a person's constant inner communication with himself. One of the mechanisms that ensure the possibility of producing this process is called reflexion. It is thanks to him that we can pay attention to ourselves and seek help from our past experience.

How to stop the internal dialogue?

Autocomunication is a sign of the presence of several objects of communication within our consciousness. Explanation of this phenomenon is given a variety of, but one of the most probable is that inside we are in dialogue with our self - the child and I-adults.

Before turning to the technique of stopping the internal dialogue, we need to find out why it is necessary.

Why stop the internal dialogue?

Daily in our head there are thousands of thoughts that do not carry any special significance, but take a lot of time from us. Stopping the autoconfication allows:

If any of the above items are interested in you, then you will find an answer to the question of how to disable the internal dialogue.

Ways to stop the internal dialog

  1. Fixed attention. One of the easiest ways to suspend the autoconfection process is to fix your attention on an object that is 7-30 meters away from you during the movement. The main thing at the same time is not to lower your gaze otherwise you will immediately start the internal conversation. Leaving the house, look at the next standing lamp, as you approach it, look at the more distant object and so on all the way. One of the advantages of this method is that, it helps not only to suspend the internal dialogue for some time on and keep it in this state.
  2. Watch TV. This method is very suitable for housewives. The essence of this exercise is that when watching a TV without sound you need to try to perceive the picture in such a way as if you hear a sound. The trick here is that the inner conversation subsides in those moments when we get the stimulus from the outside. In our case, these are television programs.
  3. Computer games. In case you are a fan of computer games, then this method will suit you. Here the principle of impact is the same as in the previous example. Computer games in which high concentration is required for victory, for example, race, distract our consciousness from internal dialogue. Higher focus on the plot and sense of the game is not only trains the ability to stop auto-communication, but also increases the possibility of victory.

So, if you managed to stop the internal dialogue with the help of the above methods, you can try to return to this state with the help of volitional effort. Of course, from the first time not all are obtained, so do not get discouraged and continue to perform the exercises. A complete stop of the internal dialogue is usually accompanied by a loss of sense of time and body position. In case you think that your body is not in the position in which you put it, do not worry, because it is a signal that you are doing everything right.