Technique of emotional freedom

High workload, the need to quickly make decisions and compete with more successful people are quite capable of leading to various disorders. That is why, like mushrooms after rain, the number of options for getting rid of accumulated stress increases. Some are developed by official science, while others, like the technique of emotional freedom, came from Eastern practices. I am glad that it is not so complicated and philosophical, it takes only a few minutes to improve your state.

Technique of emotional freedom - description and criticism

The creation of this method was carried out by Gary Craig, taking as a basis the approach of Dr. Callahan, set forth in his work "Magnetic Field Therapy". As a result, a technique was developed that incorporated the traditions of oriental healing and European psychotherapy. The creator argues that the technique of emotional freedom is effective in neurosis, obsessive thoughts, addictions, insomnia, phobias and other violations. The method is often called acupuncture without needles due to the need to work out special acupressure points. And during a kind of massage will have to focus on their problems.

The author claims that the technique is able to give almost instantaneous results with ease of implementation. But not all agree with him, some scientists even called the approach pseudoscientific. This is based on the fact that the presence of acupuncture points has not yet been able to prove anything, and several are being used in technology, and Eastern medicine claims that there are a lot of them on the body. After such doubts, a placebo test was performed, which did not reveal any particular properties that distinguish the approach among other psychotherapists. Skeptics even believe that it simply distracts attention from the existing problem, creating the appearance of its disappearance.

Supporters of the same method say that it works regardless of the belief in oriental medicine and allows you to work through the accumulated problems yourself.

Technique of emotional freedom - practice

As mentioned above, during the session you will have to work on certain points that will help to normalize the energy balance in the body. 12 points are processed in the following sequence.

  1. The beginning of the eyebrow.
  2. The edge of the eye (near its outer corner).
  3. Below the eyes (central zone).
  4. Under the nose (center).
  5. Chin (middle).
  6. The beginning of the collar bone.
  7. At hand (the beginning of the axilla is in line with the nipples).
  8. The thumb (the first phalanx).
  9. Forefinger.
  10. Middle finger.
  11. Little finger.
  12. The point of the karate (the palm between the ring finger and the little finger, 1.27 cm below the upper border).

Each of these points is worked out by easy tapping (tapping). Everything starts from the point of karate and ends at the same time, during this period it is necessary to forget about the problem. Only when affected by this zone are the following actions performed:

Such a ritual helps to tune in to work, and then get out of a state of deep concentration.

To use the technique of emotional freedom with neurosis , sleep disorders, severe shocks and other problems, several stages are envisaged.

  1. Determine what you will work with.
  2. Evaluate the degree of your experience on a 10-point scale.
  3. Tapping on the point of the karate, say three times: "Despite the fact that (description of the problem), I fully and deeply accept myself."
  4. Start tapping, starting from the karate point in the way indicated above. The remaining points need to be taped on average 7 times, but it's better to focus on your own feelings. It is advisable during this time to say aloud the essence of trouble, you can even quarrel a little.
  5. Then take a deep breath and exhale, and once again evaluate the problem on a 10-point scale. Usually there is a decrease in anxiety by 1-2 points, there is rarely a sharp drop or complete disappearance. If the problem persists, continue with 3 points, making sure that it disappears completely.

Practitioners claim that in 10-15 minutes you can get rid of even a serious phobia. But if you do not mark improvement even after several sessions on any problem, then it's worth thinking about a visit to a specialist.