How to recognize a pedophile?

Of course, any parent cares about the safety of his child. Therefore, the problem of pedophilia is still quite frightening in modern realities. Everyone can turn out to be a pedophile, even one that no one would think of, because he is so respectable, sweet, and so on. So, in order to be able to protect your child, you need to study the question of how to recognize a pedophile. Of course, no one can guarantee one hundred percent probability, because human psychology still remains a thing of unknown, full of surprises. But nevertheless it will be superfluous to know some basic signs of pedophilia.

Pedophilia: how to recognize a pedophile?

First, it is worthwhile to understand that pedophilia does not have any limitations in terms of profession, race, character or other vivid human traits and attributes. A pedophile can be anyone: a schoolteacher or a nice neighbor who will always hold the door. So you can not release anyone from suspicion.

Speaking about how to recognize a pedophile, you need to take into account the fact that they are usually familiar with their victims. According to statistics, in sixty percent of cases the rapist will be well acquainted with the child, and in thirty - in general is a member of his family. Incidentally, with regard to the question of how to recognize a pedophile-father, it can be quite difficult, even for the mother. But if you pay attention to the relationship between father and children, then everything will become quite clear. The father is either too cute or rude, and children usually show servility and, of course, fear.

And, of course, pedophiles absolutely definitely treat children. They try to build with them a strong relationship based on complete trust and interest in each other. Usually pedophiles talk with children, as with adults - seriously. They also try to establish emotional contact. The main thing here is not to be mistaken and not to accept for the signs of pedophilia what will be only a love for children and a manifestation of care.