How to make a gift box?

It's nice to receive gifts, but it's even more pleasant when the gifts are beautifully packaged. And an important part of the packaging are gift boxes. And just what boxes there are, and tin, and wooden, and, of course, cardboard. In the stores, gifts are packed in colorful, terribly beautiful boxes, sometimes on their background the gift itself is lost. But not everyone likes to buy and packaging, because it's so nice to invest a gift of yourself as a present, to do something with your own hands. Of course, to make the same beautiful gift box, as in the store you need to have certain skills (especially if it's a tree or painted tin), as well as a lot of free time. But simple cardboard boxes for gift wrapping can be made by everyone. It's enough to get a nice piece of cardboard of the right size, with a pencil, ruler, scissors and a drop of patience.

How to make a square cardboard box for a gift?

  1. First, on a sheet of cardboard, we draw a box for gifts. To do this, we draw a square on the cardboard, stepping back from the edge the distance necessary for the sides of the box. The dimensions of the square are determined according to the desired dimensions of the box.
  2. On each side of the square (close) draw along rectangles. These are the sides of the box, we select the appropriate dimensions.
  3. Near the sides we make allowances of 2 cm for bends.
  4. Cut out the pattern, make a cut at the bottom at a 45 ° angle so that the box can be assembled.
  5. We collect the box, gluing the allowances to the neighboring sides.
  6. In the same way we make a lid, only we take into account that it should be a bit wider, so that we could close the box. It is possible to make a cover from cardboard of other color, for example, more light, than the bottom of a box.
  7. Now the box should be decorated with ribbons, inscriptions, paper flowers, etc.

How to make a triangular cardboard box for a gift?

Not always for the gift is a standard square box. For example, for sweet gifts, boxes of triangular shape are often used. How to make such a box now sort it out.

  1. Draw a triangle on the cardboard. Its size should be twice the size of the box.
  2. Use the ruler to mark the middle of each side.
  3. We connect the sides with lines - these will be fold lines.
  4. From each side we make an allowance of 1-2 cm.
  5. Cut the pattern, add the cardboard along the fold lines, bend the allowances.
  6. We put a gift on the central triangle and collect the box - glue the allowances to the sides. If the allowances are forgotten, or there is no space for them on the piece of cardboard, then the box can be sealed with threads. To do this, we select a thick colored woolen thread or ribbon. On the sides of the box we make holes, and we pierce the box with tape.
  7. Well, the final stage in the manufacture of the gift box, this is her decoration. We call to the aid of our imagination and rejoice at the content of the gifted person.

How to make a gift box in the shape of a heart?

  1. How to show a person his special relationship or emphasize the romantic and tender gifts? Of course, appropriate packaging of this, for example, a box in the form of a heart.
  2. Draw on the cardboard scheme of the future box, as in the picture.
  3. Cut out a cardboard pattern. Carefully cut all the necessary holes. For small slits, it is convenient to use a paper knife for paper.
  4. Fold the box along the fold line.
  5. Now decorate the box, paste ribbons or color the cardboard.
  6. The box is ready, it remains to put a gift in it. This box is suitable for any small items.