Baked pita bread with minced meat in oven

Today we will tell you how to make lavash with minced meat in the oven. The simplicity of execution and the uncomplicated composition of the food absolutely do not prevent it from getting just divine taste.

Lavash roll baked with minced meat and cheese in the oven



Prepare lavash roll with minced meat extremely simply and quickly. To do this, you need to prepare the meat itself, the basis of which can be pork, beef, and even a bird. Mix the meat, twisted in a meat grinder with the onion crushed in the same manner, add the fried cheese, a little fat cream, a pinch of nutmeg ground nut, taste a large salt, seasonings, chopped fresh herbs and mix. Now lay out the minced meat on the expanded lavash and turn the product in the form of a roll. We now place it on a creamy baking sheet smeared with oil and cover generously the top with a beaten egg.

To bake such a roll will be enough and thirty minutes of his stay in a heated oven at a temperature of 185 degrees.

Thin pita with minced meat filling in the oven - recipe



In this case, we will make lavash with minced meat in the form of a pie. For this, we prepare the stuffing. Passer chopped onions and grated carrots in butter, taking his half portion. To ruddy vegetables, add minced meat and fry all together until the meat changes color.

Fried mass of minced meat and vegetables seasoned to taste with salt and pepper, add fragrant dry herbs, grated cheese and chopped greens and mix. Kefir is mixed in a bowl with a beaten egg, seasoned with salt and spices.

Decorating the product, we spread on a large baking tray thin pita bread so that half of it hangs on one side. Pour a couple of spoons of kefir on top and spread half the filling. The remaining half of the lavash is soaked for a couple of minutes in a kefir mixture, after which we spread it over top of the filling. From above distribute the remaining forcemeat, we cover it with hanging lavash and pour out the remaining kefir. In the end, put on the product slices of oil and send it for baking in a heated to 205 degrees oven for half an hour.