Anchovy Sauce

Anchovy sauce is an ideal addition to various dishes, and especially to fish dishes. It is prepared quite simply and quickly, and it turns out deliciously tasty and fragrant. However, in order to turn an ordinary fish dish into a culinary masterpiece, you need to remember that the fish is fatter, the sauces must be more sour and sharper. So, let's consider with you a few recipes for cooking sauces from anchovies.

Sauce for pasta with anchovies



Cream warm in a saucepan with a thick bottom and cook for about 5 minutes, periodically stirring. Anchovies are dried using a paper towel and cut into small pieces. Garlic is cleaned and squeezed through the press. Cream butter on a small fire, add crushed anchovies with garlic and cook for about 1 minute. After that, gradually pour in the cream, mix well and remove the mass from the fire. Add salt with pepper to taste and serve ready sauce for pasta .

Sauce "Caesar" with anchovies



We take a deep bowl, we put fillet of anchovies into it and with the help of the back side of the spoon we grind them to pasty state. Then add the peeled and squeezed garlic through the press, put the mustard and squeeze the juice from the lemon. After that, pour in a little balsamic vinegar and, using a whisk, whisk everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Further, in a thin trickle we introduce oil and continue to whisk everything with a whisk. Olive oil should not be introduced all at once, but gradually, in small portions: first a part was added, whipped to uniformity, etc. until the desired consistency is obtained. At the very end, season the sauce with spices, put the grated cheese, mix and set for 30 minutes in the fridge. After cooling, season with Caesar salad, mix well and serve the dish to the table.

Sauce with anchovies and capers



So, canned anchovies and capers are cut into small pieces and fried in vegetable oil. Onions and garlic are cleaned, shredded and added to the anchovies. All mixed, throw chopped chili pepper, spices, Italian herbs and stew for 10 minutes on a weak fire. Then put the tomatoes along with the juice, sprinkle with fresh chopped dill, add olives cut into rings and extinguish for another 3-4 minutes until ready.

Sauce from anchovies with vegetables



Baguette is cut into small slices, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 6 minutes, setting the temperature to about 180 degrees. Do not waste time in vain, we clean garlic and shallots. Then they are washed, drained and put into the blender bowl. We add to the vegetables canned anchovies, pitted olives and parsley.

Pour the anchovy and olive oil and crush everything at high speed until the paste state. The resulting mass of salt, pepper to taste, put the sauce in a jar and serve it on the table with carrots, radish and crispy baguette.