Can you mix Horus and Decis?

Usually on a bag of poisons there is a ban on mixing with other drugs. Thus, the manufacturer protects against a likely adverse reaction during mixing. But in a number of cases, it is possible and even necessary to mix preparations, in order to facilitate the work and enhance the effect of the treatment. Whether it is possible to mix Horus and Decis, and with what other preparations they have compatibility - we learn together.

With what can you mix Horus?

Processing apple trees and other fruit trees from different diseases and pests with drugs individually is harmful to health and difficult. Therefore, during the first processing from the scab, the trees can be sprinkled with Horus, adding Aktar or Sherpa to it, in order to simultaneously overcome the garden weevils. The experiments showed that the mixing of these preparations does not have negative consequences.

With what of the in-oxides can still be mixed Horus? Well-established mixing or alternation of Horus and Skor has proved to be good - together they provide good protection of the leaves and fruits of apple and pear from scab , moniliosis, powdery mildew, alternaria. In tank mixtures, the combination of Horus and Topaz is allowed.

The use of the preparations Horus and Decis is actual in the period before and after flowering, as well as during the growth of fruits, when there is a need for the destruction of sucking and leaf-eating pests, aphids, leaf rollers, moths and simultaneous control of coccomicosis, moniliolysis and klyasterosporiosis.

Mixtures of such insecticides as Actellik, Decis, Karate, Fastak, Sumi-Alpha, Tsim-Bush with fungicides Oxychim, Skorom, Ridomil, copper oxychloride proved to be well established. Only work with such a mixture should be immediately - within 1-2 hours.

Particular care should be exercised when mixing pesticides with alkaline preparations such as Bordeaux mixture and lime, since modern organic preparations are decomposed by the action of alkalis. And if you are not sure about the compatibility of drugs, it is better to apply them separately.