Shoes for strip plastic

Today, strip tease can be seen not only in strip bars. More and more women want to learn this dance direction in order to be able to please their partner, and just relax a little, learn to move beautifully to music, achieve flexibility and good posture. Of course, to study and perform the movements you have already learned at home or on stage, you will need a special shoe for striplasty.

During training, for the best effect, dance instructors are strongly recommended to practice in the right shoes. Well, and even during the speech without it can not do. What is the peculiarity of shoes for striptease?

What does the strip-plastic look like?

The classic option - a high -heeled shoes and a heel-hairpin. They visually extend the legs and make them slimmer, in addition, lifting the feet in such shoes looks very sexy and simply amazing. The height of the platform is usually 5 cm, and the heel - up to 20 cm.

They make such shoes from soft leather, natural or artificial, suede, vinyl, even plastic. As a decoration, stones, rhinestones, lacing, feathers are used. The transparent platform became very fashionable.

Strippers for beginners

If you are taking your first steps in learning the dance of love, you should start with less extreme shoes, since you risk turning your legs every awkward movement. Injuries to anything, so you need to get used to the height of the heel gradually.

You can start with the most ordinary ballet. And when you have already mastered enough, you can gradually increase the height of the heel. Alternatively, you can first purchase shoes on the platform. Believe me, there are such pretty beautiful shoes especially for striplasty. Improving and gradually moving into the rank of professional dancer, you will already feel confident and on a high heel.