100% insanity: the strangest buyers of American supermarkets!

The profession of the seller is one of the most difficult, responsible and not for the faint of heart. And it's not even that they have to spend most of the time on their feet, to smile at customers and endlessly sort the goods ...

Sometimes people behind the counter are forced to watch this, after which it's time for some to go to a psychiatrist!

And one of the largest networks of wholesale and retail trade "Walmart" can prove this - periodically their surveillance cameras from trading halls "fix" such strange and insane buyers, seeing which you will think that you are going crazy! Do not believe me? Well, then let's look at the 40 most crazy objects of the "People of Walmart" project ...

1. That's how to be a fan of your favorite cartoon!

2. And what - cheerful colors!

3. And when was the last time you allowed yourself to play pranks without a reason?

4. Well, not everyone can be models ...

5. To the store, as on a holiday!

6. Oh, unexpectedly ...

7. No! We did not plan to see it!

8. And this is not a shot from a horror movie!

9. And what, stylish girls ...

10. But how was it possible to leave one mole left at home?

11. Calm down, now she is buying something for herself from clothes!

12. It is necessary to prepare morally for viewing such personnel ...

13. Well, be a little kinder and more loyal!

14. What a merry family!

15. But why should he ... this sword?

16. And how many of these look at the day ...

17. Everything, let us develop it!

18. And that too!

19. The all-seeing eye is watching you!

20. Think about it - they were just in a hurry and forgot to dress!

21. Milota, right?

22. We hope that the purchase will be more successful, the previous one ...

23. If only he did not comb it on his forehead ...

24. Oh, and she cares for her hair with the wrong means that she buys?

25. Yes, who did not have such?

26. Well, here again continuous mimi!

27. A-ah-ah, let's take the next photo!

28. No, and not this!

29. You are simply hampered by complexes ...

30. On the catwalks now the outfits are no different ...

31. And now imagine yourself in the place of sellers of this store!

32. Yes, you can walk here like a museum or a zoo!

33. He does not remind you of anyone ???

34. Hold us seven!

35. So, our nerves are not iron!

36. Walmart, we believe your despair!

37. It's time to drink soothing ...

38. Well, how much can you?

39. Pajamas? It's not funny anymore!

40. Stop, we're done!