Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary affliction that affects the hematopoietic system. It is a defect in which the creation of a normal hemoglobin chain is disrupted. This produces an abnormal component that changes the structure of red blood cells - they become longer (similar to the sickle, which is why the name went).

Symptoms of sickle-cell anemia

In humans, the disease sickle cell anemia is a characteristic pattern. Usually all the attendant symptoms are caused by thrombosis or anemia. There are such basic signs:

It is important to note that sickle cell-anemia is caused by the appearance of thrombi. In this case, swelling in different parts of the vessels may occur, which are accompanied by painful sensations.

All symptoms are conditionally divided into two groups - this depends on the main causes of the ailment:

Diagnosis of sickle cell anemia

Diagnosis and treatment of this disease deals with a doctor-hematologist. It is almost impossible to accurately establish the stage of the disease, relying only on external manifestations. The fact is that similar symptoms occur in many blood diseases. To establish a full-fledged diagnosis, the following are used:

Treatment of sickle cell anemia

At the moment, this ailment is considered incurable. At the same time to inhibit the growth of the disease it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. So, for example, people suffering from sickle-cell anemia get sick less often if they consume healthy food, do not drink, do not smoke, do exercises. This improves the overall condition.