Sleeping Pills

There are many reasons why there is insomnia . It can appear as a result of diseases or become a consequence of mental disorders. To resort to the help of medicines follows with the recommendations given by the doctor and only if the popular methods were powerless. Improperly selected sleeping pills can only exacerbate the situation, so do not self-medicate.

Groups of sleeping pills

There are several groups of tools for insomnia.


Barbiturates are derivatives of barbituric acid. Their use greatly changes the structure of sleep. It becomes superficial, while the rapid sleep phase is sharply reduced. Of all the hypnotics related to this group, the following list is distinguished:

After their use, there is drowsiness, lethargy, and addiction often develops. Since these drugs are strong hypnotic drugs that are produced without a prescription, they are recommended only if there is a serious disorder.

Benzodiazepine derivatives

Medicines belonging to this group have a number of advantages over barbituras. They are better tolerated by the body, without affecting the structure of sleep. The most common are hypnotics, the names of which are given below:

Despite the fact that the hypnotic drugs group benzodiazepines negative effects are less pronounced, yet their administration can adversely affect the nervous system. With a sharp discontinuation of the course of taking medication or reducing the dose, a withdrawal syndrome develops, comparable to that of alcoholics or drug addicts. A person has convulsions, nausea and tremors.

GABA funds

Preparations based on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have a nootropic effect and contribute to the normalization of the phase of slow sleep.

Among such funds are allocated Fenibut. It is an easy hypnotic, unlike the two groups examined, it allows to normalize the time of falling asleep and the course of the phases of sleep. It does not lead to the emergence of addiction and the cessation of its reception is not accompanied by withdrawal syndrome.


Even with the use of weak sleeping pills, do not rely on a quick recovery and the absence of side effects in the form of memory loss, impaired concentration, increased pressure and drowsiness. After all, taking pills will be ineffective if the problem that caused insomnia (stress, physical activity, illness of organs) remains unresolved.

Admission of all drugs should be appointed only by a specialist, especially for elderly people. To combat sleep disorders, they are strictly forbidden to use barbituls. The most harmless sleeping pills for the elderly are NosePam and Temazepam, since they act briefly, and among the components, no dangerous substances were found for the body.