Wen on the back

Most often, adipose cells are formed on the back. This is a fairly common problem. Lipomas are benign tumors that develop from connective tissues. As a rule, the appearance of these leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands. They can be of different sizes and sometimes do not bother at all. But all the same it is desirable to treat the lipomas.

The causes of the appearance of fatty glands on the back

To say for sure, because of what exactly wenews are formed, even the most experienced specialists can not. There is an opinion that these benign neoplasms are a consequence of the metabolic disturbance.

You can sin on the hereditary factors. Medicine had to deal with cases where fat tissues actively developed precisely because of certain genetic changes.

There are other possible reasons for the formation of fat wigs on the back. They include:

Inflammation of the wen on the back

Usually lipomas do not cause any discomfort and do not hurt at all. But since they are tumors, adipes can develop and become inflamed. As soon as you begin to feel soreness, it means that the inflammation has started in the tumor.

Unpleasant sensations - the consequences of squeezing muscle tissue and infringement of nerve endings. In addition, inflammation of the wen on the back is accompanied by reddening of the skin, swelling, burning, sometimes itching.

If a long time does not pay attention to the inflamed lipoma, it can break through. After that, on the tubercle, a wound will appear, from which a purulent liquid of greenish or yellowish color will ooze. With these symptoms, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, an infection can penetrate into the adipose.

Traditional treatment of a wen on the back

The choice of therapy depends on when exactly it begins. Small adolescents can be treated medically. A fairly simple procedure is carried out - a small amount of a special, resorptive agent is introduced into the lipoma. Hospitalization for the time of such treatment is not required. It is carried out in a day hospital.

Large fatties on the back need to be removed. This can be done traditionally - with the help of a scalpel. Such a method is advisable to use for limes that have reached impressive sizes.

More modern ways of solving the problem involve the use of a laser or special tubes. The latter are used for liposuction - a procedure during which the wen is softened and simply sucked. Laser therapy - treatment is completely painless, leaving no traces, but costly.

Treatment of fatty acids on the back with folk remedies

Of course, it is not recommended to test alternative therapies on large lipomas. But with small wen they help manage fairly effectively:

  1. Useful ointment based on laundry soap with baked onions. The household product is rubbed on a small grater, and the onion is squeezed. The components are mixed, superimposed on the neoplasm and wrapped. Such treatment should last several weeks.
  2. A simple good compress is with Vishnevsky ointment.
  3. Shred garlic can be mixed with vegetable oil. Ointment smells specifically, but the lipomas under its action dissolve quite quickly.