How to grow champignons in the country?

Not only cucumbers and tomatoes can be cultivated in the cottage. Try to grow mushrooms mushrooms on your dacha - as practice shows, it is quite possible! Our article will tell you what is needed for this.

How to grow champignons in the country?

Usually, these mushrooms are grown in dark basements, since light is not needed for the growth of champignons. Mushroom can be bought in a specialized store, and the substrate for growing (compost) - cook yourself. This is done about a month before laying in the ridge.

Compost for growing champignons is 80% of cow manure, mixed with 20% of organic waste (straw, leaves, potato tops). Also, gypsum, lime and urea are added there, then this mixture is watered and covered with a film, keeping for 2-3 weeks until the ammonia smell disappears.

The purchased mycelium is placed in compost in accordance with the instructions. So, mycelium, grown on manure, should be planted in staggered order, first breaking into squares. Cereal mycelium when planted with a compost. You can also use wild mycelium for germination.

Further care for the mushrooms consists in maintaining the air temperature 24-26 ° C, substrate humidity 55-60% and regular uniform spraying. After 2 weeks, the temperature is reduced to 14-15 ° C, and the humidity is reduced to 60%.

Mycelium begins to bear fruit after 35-50 days, the fruiting period lasts 2-3 months.

How to grow champignons in open ground?

Mushrooms can be grown on a regular bed. To do this, it should be placed on the north side of the site, in a shaded place. Additionally installed canopy protects mycelium from direct sun rays and rain. This method is convenient because the process of ventilation occurs naturally, which eliminates the risk of decay of the mycelium in the ground.

For open ground, the best compost will be a cow, horse or chicken droppings with a litter of straw or fallen leaves. In other respects, the process of growing is identical.