What to give for the wedding?

Wedding - the ceremony is beautiful and exciting. And the excitement is felt not only by the newlyweds themselves, but also by their relatives and friends. You need to think up what to give to the wedding, such an event can not be left without attention. By the way, and the gift for the wedding - is it generally appropriate?

Do they give gifts for the wedding?

Of course, before thinking about what to give to the wedding, you need to decide, but do gifts at all to this event? On the one hand, the wedding has a spiritual meaning, and hence no material benefits are inappropriate here. But on the other hand, the wedding is also a wedding, and giving presents for a wedding is a good tradition. Another thing is that the wedding gift is given outside the church. All serious congratulations on the day of the wedding and the presentation of gifts should be left to the banquet hall.

What to give for the wedding?

Often, the wedding (and ritual and celebration) is held on the same day, so the gifts are given by the united - to the wedding and the wedding. In this case, it is not forbidden to make a separate gift for the wedding and confine oneself to one gift for a wedding. The only exception will be the parents of the bride and groom - to give the wedding icons their direct duty.

But it also happens that people who have lived for some time in a marriage, concluded by secular laws, wish to legitimize it even before Heaven. In this case, the wedding becomes a separate holiday, and here it is already necessary to think about the gift not on the day of the wedding, namely on the day of the wedding.

So what to give to the wedding? Well, once an event has a spiritual meaning, it means that gifts should carry the same message. That is why most often gifts for the wedding are purchased in the church shop. Here are the most common options for wedding gifts.

  1. Icon. Yes, the wedding couple is given by parents, but guests can also present as an gift an icon, for example, a family one. Such an icon depicts the Mother of God, and in the fields there are images of the patron saints' patron saints. You can also give an icon with the image of Peter and Fevronia - the Orthodox patrons of all lovers. Icons are often not an expensive pleasure, but because you can make such a gift vsykladchinu with relatives and friends of the couple.
  2. You can present a gift made with your own hands. For example, a panel with images on church themes, embroidered with your hands a tablecloth and napkins. On the tablecloths you can embroider the initials of the wedding couple and the date of the wedding. And you can make icons - embroider with beads or cross the faces of saints.
  3. Often, guests do not find a gift better than an icon, and because young people are simply littered with icons of different colors and sizes. If there is a fear that at the celebration for which you are preparing, it will also, stay away from the most obvious gift. Give a lamp or a shelf for the organization of a home iconostasis.
  4. You can present the young with a gold coin depicting the patron saints of the wedding couple. Such a gift and spiritual requirements is responsible, but at the same time it looks rather beautiful and valuable.
  5. The Bible or descriptions of the lives of saints who patronize the wedding couple can also be a good gift. Of course, it is better to pay attention to the gift editions of such books - a gift all the same.
  6. A good version of the gift for the wedding are various statuettes on the church theme.
  7. If you have any doubts about donating icons, bibles and other religious attributes - whether the young ones will accept such gifts with joy, choose something neutral. For example, an album of a young family. Let it be a beautiful book that young people will write themselves, filling out photos and notes about the most important and happy moments of their family life.