Cutting of cuttings of roses

The most reliable way to get the sort of roses that you wanted is propagation by cuttings. If you want to increase the chances of their rooting, you should perform the kilts. In what this process consists, we will reveal in this article.

Cutting of cuttings of roses

Kilchevanie is a procedure, as a result of which, activates the growth and formation of roots. It consists that the top part of a stalk should be in cooler place, and bottom - warmly and damp. It can be carried out in two ways: indoors or in a pit. Let's look at how each of them is conducted.

Indulgence in the room

Prepared from the autumn cuttings should be got in the middle of February and put in a warm room. Then we proceed as follows:

  1. Cut the thorns on the bottom half, and then update both slices.
  2. Dip the lower cut into a tool that stimulates root growth. You can take Kornevin, Epin or Heteroauxin.
  3. We take cotton cloth and moisten it. After that, we wrap our cuttings in it. We do this as follows:
  • Cover the wet cloth with a plastic bag and tie it with a rope.
  • The upper sections are treated with garden so that they do not dry out.
  • We put the bundle for 3-4 weeks on the window sill so that the upper part was closer to the window, and the lower one - above the battery. Thus, on the lower cut a build-up (callus) is formed, from which then the roots will quickly appear, and the upper part will remain at rest.
  • Kilchevanie in the pit

    The same can be done in a shallow hole in early spring. To do this, 30 days before the expected date of planting, we place the cuttings in the hollow vertically with the "head" downwards, so that the ends are 10-12 cm above the ground level. After that, we fill them with a 15 cm layer of peat, sand, compost or any other mulching material that retains heat. For best effect, you can cover the top with glass or transparent polyethylene film.

    The lower cut will warm from the sun, and the top will stay in the cold, as the earth will not have time to warm up. As a result, the root will appear on the cuttings, and you can start planting.

    Kilchevanie roses - it's enough simple procedure, which helps to better rooting. It is also called cuttings by the Burito method.