Signs on the warm Alexei about the weather

In past centuries the whole life of the people was subordinated to their own rules, a huge role in the formation of which the weather had. At the end of March they began to prepare for a new planting season, observing certain rites and traditions. What does warm Alexei, celebrated on March 30 - in this article.

What does the holiday mean Alexei?

In the fourth and fifth centuries, a pious man lived in Rome, whose main purpose was to gain the grace of God. All his life he devoted to that with honor he accepted the trials sent down from above, and learned to be humble. With his death, the Christian and Catholic churches found a new saint - God's messenger. His life became widespread in the Orthodox East, and when clergymen began to come to Rome from the Syrian land, where Alexy spent most of his life, the Christian West also began to honor the saint.

His relics are in Greece, Novgorod and Italy. His life is depicted in frescoes and icons, his name is called monasteries, temples and churches. The people remember the messenger of God and honor his memory on March 30. On services the canon to the saint is read, the priest tells about a life of the Roman subject. Warm Alexei comes when, at the end of his strength after a long winter, there is not enough forage for cattle, but the hope for a new season and a good harvest is alive.

Holiday warm Alexey - signs

Those who are interested in what means warm Alexei, you should get to know more closely the customs that existed in those days. People began to actively prepare for sowing works, they began to temper the potatoes, checked the serviceability of the carts, and put garden and garden implements in order. Popular signs for the warm Alexei included the weaving of nets for fishing. If the ready-made net was thrown into the water the same day, then it promised good fishing for the whole year.

According to the signs, the yarn, which weavers dipped into the water on Alexei, became stronger. On this day it was customary to collect thawed water, as people believed in its miraculous power. It was used for bathing, used for household needs. Special reverence expressed and birch. Kidney and juice were collected. From the latter, honey-birch Uzvar was prepared, which was endowed with special healing power. The beekeepers took out the hives to the fresh air and conducted a ritual that "tied" the bee swarm to this place.

Warm Alexey - signs of weather

It was of special importance on this day, for the whims of nature determined the quality and quantity of the forthcoming harvest. What kind of weather for the warm Alexei was, and that's what bread was waiting for. Here are some of the signs:

  1. A warm day promised a good harvest.
  2. The abundance of thawed water foreshadowed the harvest year and the wealth of hay.
  3. If the bees fly to Alexia for the first time, then we can expect a rich harvest of honey.
  4. "On Alexia from the mountains, water is a fish with a camp."

Snow on warm Alexey - signs

If on this holiday the weather turned out to be cold, early spring was not expected. People believed that in this case, it would come with a delay. Those who are interested in what signs to warm Alexei were still worth paying attention to such signs:

  1. The snow melts soon, and the water runs amicably - it means the summer will be wet.
  2. Under conditions of lying snow and severe frosts, bees can not stand on the apiary, but they read a special sentence that helps insects to wake up and get ready for work.
  3. The snow lies, and the starlings are hiding - wait for the weather.

Signs on the warm Alexei, if it rains

Those who are interested in what warm Alexei means, it is worth responding that the natural phenomena on this day predicted the weather for Easter. What are the signs for the warm Alexis were:

  1. The rain on the day of this holiday was promised the same summer.
  2. The clouds swim high and fast - it means good weather.
  3. The future of bad weather was foreshadowed not only by rain, but not yet by starlings.