Why can not we photograph sleeping people?

Today we will talk about why you can not photograph sleeping people. By the current day of this rule, the primary sources of which can not remember all, adhere to both professional photographers and young mummies. In addition, the Old Believers argue that the sleeper can not also draw. Curious? Then let's find out the reasons for this superstition as soon as possible.

You can not photograph sleeping people: reason number 1

On the expanses of the Internet you can see photos dating from the 19th century. Take a closer look at them. On some of them, the living people (you did not hear it, they were the living ones) are standing or sitting next to the deceased, who, importantly, could be seated at the table. It is worth noting that while the deceased was attached to the chair, of course, for what reasons. Do you read and you have goose bumps? Imagine only, earlier it was considered a normal phenomenon, to make, let's say, the last shot of a man who is escorted to the last path.

Since then, from generation to generation, certain beliefs and signs have been passed on. Among them is the one that says: one can never photograph sleeping people. It is simply believed that the person with closed eyes in the photo has moved to another world, because, so that such associations of living with the dead do not occur, give up such an undertaking.

You can not take pictures of a sleeping person: reason number 2

Anyone who is photographed by his own will or captive sleeping, unconsciously attracts to himself the day of his death. He, as if condemning himself, on a short journey of life on this earth. Do you remember the opinion of many researchers who maintain that during sleep a person's soul leaves its physical shell, the body and travels beyond time and space? So, from the point of view of the energy of the sleeper, at this moment he is especially vulnerable because he does not harm, do not create photographs with the image of his sleeper.

The following explanation is also important. Have you heard that superstitious people never throw away photographs? All is simple because on each of them bioenergetics of the person, its aura is saved. If we talk about the image of a sleeper, when such a photo falls into the hands of his enemy or simply an envious person, rest assured that good is not worth waiting for.

Why can not we photograph sleeping children?

Now we turn to the consideration of an important question concerning why it is impossible to photograph sleeping babies. It is said that one can not be awakened abruptly. Otherwise, this may result in his fright. This is one of the explanations of this sign. Children are vulnerable creatures, and when they sleep, their vulnerability almost doubles. Imagine, your lens is focused on a sleeping miracle, pressing a button, clicking and the sound of a flash, which sometimes is unpleasant for adults. Do you think that in this case the child will not be afraid? What kind of parent would you like to have his child once again experiencing unnecessary stress?

Also to the explanation of this superstition it is possible to attribute all the same interpretation of energy. Babies have a poorly developed protective biofield, because when a picture gets into evil hands, the influence of a bad eye on a child's condition is difficult to predict.

If you look at all this through the eyes of a non-believer, the only reason why you can not take pictures of sleeping people is hidden in the ordinary photogenicity of many of us. Not everyone likes to be photographed and being conscious, and if you have imprinted them in a dormant ... Be sure that this will bring some disagreement in your relationship .

Based on the foregoing, first of all, one should rely on one's own intuition that the mind knows best about the nature of the signs.