Little difference between upper and lower pressure

The upper pressure indicates the level of blood pressure at the time of cardiac contraction. The lower threshold, in turn, reflects the pressure in the period of muscle relaxation. The normal gap between the figures on the screen of the blood pressure monitor is from 30 to 40 mm Hg. Art. Sometimes this value may vary slightly depending on the presence of cardiovascular diseases. But too little difference between the upper and lower pressure - a signal of serious pathological changes in the body. Sometimes this state even poses a threat to life.

Why is there a small difference between the upper and lower arterial pressure?

The described clinical phenomenon often indicates the onset of development of hypotension. As a rule, this disease affects young women under 35 years old.

Other possible causes of pathology:

Symptoms of low difference between lower and upper blood pressure

The problem under consideration is always accompanied by a very poor state of health:

In general, the patient wants to sleep, the slightest sounds and rustles, a bright light and even quiet conversations irritate him.

How is the small difference between normal upper and lower lower pressure to return to normal?

It is advisable not to practice independent treatment, but immediately seek help from a professional. If it is possible to find out and eliminate the root cause of the disease, the difference between the indices of pressure will quickly return to normal.

Cardiologists first recommend to lead a correct way of life:

  1. Balanced eat.
  2. Every day, take time out for walks.
  3. Sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.
  4. During work, rest your eyes every 60 minutes.
  5. Monitor the joints in the cervical spine.

Specialized drugs for the therapy of pathology have not yet been invented. An emergency measure of normalization of the gap between the pressures can be considered the intake of any diuretic or corvalol.