Is it possible to do a fluorography during pregnancy?

Knowing about the numerous prohibitions during gestation, future mothers are wondering whether it is possible to do fluorography during pregnancy. Fears, in the first place, concern the impact of X-rays on the developing baby, its organs and systems. Let's try to answer this question.

Is it possible to do a fluorography during the current pregnancy?

The opinion of doctors is ambiguous about this. As for conducting such an investigation at the very beginning of the gestation process , all physicians categorically deny the possibility of its implementation. The thing is that at a short time, when the processes of division and multiplication of cells of the future organism are actively occurring, under the influence of rays, the formation of separate organs is possible. Given this fact, the fluorography for a period of up to 20 weeks is not carried out.

However, some doctors say that thanks to today's technology, modern radiography devices produce small concentrations of rays, which practically does not affect the human body. Moreover, they explain the possibility of carrying out this study also by the fact that the lungs undergoing examination are quite far from the uterus, therefore, the effect on this organ is excluded.

What can fluorography lead to during pregnancy?

In most cases, when answering the question of expectant mothers about whether it is possible to undergo a fluorography during the current pregnancy, doctors respond negatively.

This explanation they explain by the fact that as a result of exposure to the body of ionizing radiation, especially at a very short time, irreversible can occur. Thus, x-rays can disrupt the process of implantation of the fetal egg or lead to a malfunction in the process of cell division, which in turn leads to the fading of pregnancy in the early term.

However, it is impossible to say with certainty that after passing the fluorography the woman will face such consequences. This concerns, first of all, those girls who were examined, not yet knowing that they are in the situation. In such cases, it is necessary to inform the doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy, who, taking this fact into account, will more often appoint ultrasound and monitor the development of the embryo, no deviations.

If we talk about whether it is possible to do fluorography in planning pregnancy, most often doctors advise to refrain from this study, unless, of course, it does not have a great need.