Selena Gomez as a Child

First appeared on the screens, Selena Gomez attracted everyone with her pretty appearance. But even then the media was actively interested in why a little girl decided to make money. After her career, the young actress began at 9 years old. Of course, one could assume that Selene liked the big stage. But the star did not hide the true reason for her early growing up.

The small Selena Gomez was very painfully affected by the divorce of her parents. The father and mother parted when the girl was only five years old. Since that moment Selena was brought up by one mother. More than once the young star recalled in an interview how hard it was with their money in their family. To raise a daughter, the actress's mother even had to work on three jobs. Nevertheless, Selena understood everything without question and was not a demanding child. On the contrary, Selena Gomez as a child developed a fairly firm and purposeful character. It was these qualities, as well as the example of a mother actress, that gave the young star the foundation for a future career.

Speaking about the appearance of the young actress, then today the girl has changed enough. From the pictures of Selena Gomez in childhood, you can see a child with small curls of a rusty hue. Years later, Gomez's luxurious curls increasingly began to pull and shade into a darker color.

Parents of Selena Gomez

The bright appearance of Selena Gomez inherited from her father Ricardo Gomes of Mexican descent and mother Mandy Cornette, whose roots originate in the Anglo-Italian family. Despite the fact that the parents dispersed early, Selena maintains a warm relationship with both parents. And since 2006, she also gives her love to her stepfather Bryan Tifi, for whom the mother married.

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According to the actress herself, it was the native people who gave her an example of great zeal, will power and desire for the better, which affected the successful career of the star.