Why are apples useful?

Red, yellow, green - such tasty and such different apples have been beneficial to human health for many years. For many, the taste of apples resembles a distant carefree childhood, because these juicy fruits are growing almost everywhere. Therefore, it is doubly pleasant that apples are so useful and necessary for human health.

How useful is an apple to a person?

The apples contain an amazing composition of vitamins and microelements, which are necessary for a person's full health. They are rich:

Thanks to this composition, apples are an excellent product for a diet of proper nutrition. They normalize the work of the stomach and excretory system, due to the presence of coarse fibers. Also, cellulose in apples, and especially in apple peels, helps fight cholesterol plaques in the blood and blood vessels, enveloping them and removing them from the body. Consuming one apple a day is guaranteed to reduce cholesterol by 15%.

Useful properties of an apple for a man causes a wide composition of vitamins in the composition of juicy fruits, which makes them an excellent means for strengthening immunity. Apples are prescribed for anemia, because they are rich in two major hemopoietic minerals: iron and manganese.

The general strengthening effect on the body renders with juice from fresh apples. It is recommended to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle , since pectin contained in apple pulp can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve metabolism and remove salts of heavy metals from the body. However, it must be remembered that freshly squeezed apple juice should be drunk immediately, otherwise useful substances become oxidized and lose their strength.

Why are apples useful for women?

Like many other fruits, apples do not contain fats and are 80-90% water. In addition, they have few calories, which allows useful fruit to be suitable for dietary nutrition. The presence of pectin makes the apple a product with a low glycemic index, which means that its carbohydrates will be absorbed slowly, practically not raising the level of sugar in the blood. Nutritionists are advised not to forget how useful apples are to the body, and to strive to eat at least one apple a day to maintain a slender figure and maintain the internal organs in tone.

It is also recommended to eat apples and during menstruation. It is believed that they ease the painful condition and inflammation.

Which apples are the most useful?

Select these or other apples from a huge list of different varieties can not. Each of them is useful in its own way. In recent years, dietitians are declining in favor of green apples - "Granny Smith", "White Fill", "Simirenko", etc. They explain this by the fact that these grades have more coarse fibers, iron and less fructose, so they are suitable for diabetics . Green apples do not cause allergies, unlike their red relatives. They are harder than others and are most suitable for fresh consumption.

To choose the right apples, you need not only to assess its appearance in the absence of dents, black spots, mold and wrinkled skin. It is important to hold the apple in your hands - in normal fruits, the peel should be uniform in texture, with smooth transitions in color. With gentle pressure, the apple should remain firm and not lose shape. Remember that in order to preserve the presentation, the apples are treated with a special paraffin, so before using, they should be washed in running water.