Hot beetroot - recipe

Hot dishes are mandatory for a full dinner, and the fragrant beetroot is perfect for this. Prepare it will not be difficult, the main thing is to have the necessary products. Interesting recipes for cooking hot beetroot are waiting for you below.

Recipe for hot soup-beetroot soup



Beets are washed, cleaned, cut into pieces, filled with sufficient water and cooked until ready. Broth we put aside and we will make vegetables. When the beet has cooled, rub it on a large grater. Onion and carrots cut into cubes and passeruem in oil. Tomatoes we rub on a small grater, preliminary having removed from them a cuticle.

Add the tomato pulp to the onions with carrots and simmer for three minutes, so that the mass of the mute thickens. Now take the pot, pour into it a beet broth and another 1.5 liters of water. We also add the beets and vegetables from the frying pan. Add the laurel leaf, salt and greens to taste. Turn on the stove and cook on a small fire under the closed lid for 25 minutes. The beetroot is ready, poured into plates and served hot.

Recipe for hot beetroot soup


For refueling:


Meat for cooking beetroot can be used differently, pork, beef or chicken. Meat is well washed under water, dried and cut into portions. We put the meat in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook until ready. With foam broth we remove the foam. And we prepare vegetables. Beetroot is washed under water and cooked until ready in a separate saucepan. Potatoes, carrots, onions and cleaned and cut into cubes of medium size. Ready beetroot cut into strips or potatoes on a large grater. When the meat is ready, add the potatoes to the pot and cook until fully cooked (about 20 minutes).

We prepare refueling for beetroot. Onion in a frying pan fry until golden, add the carrots, stir and fry for 4-5 minutes, add the tomato paste, if the dressing turns thick you can add 5 tablespoons of broth and stew on medium heat for 4-5 minutes. Then add the beets, a little sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and vinegar, stir and simmer for another 3 minutes.

When the meat and potatoes are completely ready, add the dressing, pepper, greens and bay leaves to the pan. Then salt and pepper to taste. Beetroot is brought to a boil and cook for 2 - 3 minutes. After that, cover the pan and let it brew for 10 minutes. We remove the laurel leaf. The beetroot is served hot, filling it with herbs, sour cream or mayonnaise.

The recipe for hot beetroot in the multivark



Boil the meat, the first broth is better to merge, so that the beetroot is not fat. Carrots rub on a small grater, chop the onions with dice. In the cup multivarka pour a little oil and fry in it carrots and onions, chop the finely tomato and also add to the bowl. Potatoes cut into cubes and also add to the vegetables in the multivark. Adding the same meat and water, the amount of water will depend on the density of our beetroot.

The beets are cleaned, cut into small pieces and put into a multivark. In the course of an hour, we extinguish everything in a multivark, after that we rub the beetroot on a grater, and cut the meat into pieces. After that, boil our beetroot for another 10 minutes, a few minutes before the end of the cooking, add greens, lemon juice and grated beets.