Burgundy lipstick

Bordovan lipstick - one of the cosmetic products, which, if properly applied, can dramatically change the image, giving a luxurious, elegant and somewhat dramatic. But this shade is not suitable for all girls, so before you do makeup with burgundy lipstick, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances.

Who goes to maroon lipstick?

The main "requirements" of burgundy lipstick are as follows:

  1. The skin of the face should be impeccable - an even tone, no visible pimples, redness, pigmentation spots and other blemishes, otherwise all this will immediately catch your eye.
  2. The color of the teeth should be perfectly white, because the slightest yellowness at once will make itself felt in the presence of burgundy lipstick.
  3. Bordovan lipstick is suitable for medium and full lips, tk. Thin lips will seem even smaller with this shade.
  4. The best burgundy lipstick is suitable for brunettes with fair skin. However, a suitable shade of burgundy can be chosen for a woman with any hair color. But dark-skinned and tanned girls should preferably abandon the burgundy lipstick.
  5. Bordovan lipstick is more appropriate for evening make-up , holidays and special occasions. For morning and daytime everyday make-up, only transparent burgundy lipstick or light shine is allowed.

Recommendations for make-up with burgundy lipstick

To make lipstick of a burgundy color looked effectively, it is necessary to observe several important moments in a make-up:

  1. To smooth out the face tone and mask the skin defects, you should use a tonal tool and a corrector .
  2. Before applying lipstick, care should be taken to the condition of the lips - remove the peeling with a special scrub and use a moisturizing balm.
  3. It is recommended to use a contour pencil - preferably matching the natural color of the lips or waxy colorless.
  4. Bordovuyu matt lipstick is best combined with translucent shades of beige, light brown or light-terracotta tones.
  5. When using dark maroon lipstick with shine, you can apply light pearlescent shadows on your eyelids.
  6. Do not put too much emphasis on the eyes - it's better to abandon thick dark eyeliner, pointing arrows and saturated dark shades.

Palettes of burgundy lipsticks are represented by many brands - as expensive ( Chanel, YSL , Dolce & Gabbana , MAC , Yves Saint Laurent , etc.), and budget ( Avon , Maybelline , Lumene , ART-VISAGE , L'ETUAL , etc.). Therefore, choose any suitable girl for herself.