14 weeks of pregnancy - sensations

14 obstetric week (12 weeks from conception) begins the "golden" period of pregnancy, this is often called the second trimester. After the often difficult first trimester, the physical and emotional state of the expectant mother stabilizes, painful toxicosis, unreasonable mood changes are already behind, now she can fully enjoy her beautiful condition. At the 14th week of pregnancy there is a feeling of calm, the woman feels a surge of strength and energy, she is looking forward to meeting with the baby.

The general state of health of a woman at the 14th week of pregnancy

At 14-15 weeks pregnant women often say: "I have no feeling of pregnancy." Indeed, in physical terms this is the so-called "calm period": nausea has gone, appetite has improved, the chest does not hurt much, the mood is good and the only thing that reminds the baby living in your body is the more magnificent breasts and slightly rounded tummy.

Meanwhile, psychologically, the beginning of the second trimester is the "period of awareness" of one's pregnancy. Behind the first planned ultrasound, the woman has already "met" with her baby. Now she wants to talk with him, to admire his picture of ultrasound, it is at 13-14 weeks of pregnancy that there is a feeling of strong emotional connection with the child.

Sensations in the intimate life at the 14th obstetric week of pregnancy, as in the subsequent second trimester, are brighter than before pregnancy:

Against the background of a relatively good state of health, there are still some "troubles". One of them is constipation. Progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy, relaxes not only the muscles of the uterus, but also the intestines. Weak peristalsis of the intestine provokes a delay in its emptying. Another "traditional" problem of almost all pregnant women is thrush. Most often it makes itself felt at the 13-14th week of pregnancy and delivers to the woman a lot of unpleasant sensations: discomfort, itching, burning. Fully cure thrush during pregnancy is not always possible, but it is quite possible to implement effective symptomatic therapy.

Some women at 14 weeks of pregnancy have a feeling of lack of air (shortness of breath), there are pigmentation spots, runny nose, bleeding gums, sweating, skin becomes dry and flaky.

Feeling of fetal movements at 14 weeks of pregnancy is a myth or reality?

The baby begins to move even in the status of the embryo at the 7-8 week of pregnancy. But, naturally, since it is still very small, the walls of the uterus and the subcutaneous fat layer do not give you the opportunity to sense these movements. Meanwhile, as at the 14th week of pregnancy, the baby is already big enough (about 12 cm), his movements get a certain smoothness, the time when you feel the first light pushes is getting closer. Old gynecologists assure that the fetus makes itself felt no earlier than 18 weeks, and what the woman calls the movements at the 14th week of pregnancy is attributed to flatulence .

This is not a true statement. Fetal movements can really be felt on the 14th and even 13th week of pregnancy, if:

Practice shows that the sensation of fetal movements in maternal females at the 14-15th week of pregnancy is not such a rare and quite natural phenomenon. At the same time, women describe their sensations as if "a fish is swimming", "butterflies touch with wings", "tickle something from within", "the ball rolls" and the like. Full women, primiparous, women with a low threshold of sensitivity, will most likely feel the movements of their baby a little later (at 18-22 weeks), but this fact does not affect the already strong emotional connection between mother and child.