Folk remedies for allergies

Allergy is a specific reaction of the body to some seemingly innocuous small particles that are perceived by the immune system as enemies, and it embarks on an intensified fight against them. The result of such a struggle is reflected on the skin, in the form of a cough, runny nose and other signs of allergy.

How to get rid of allergies folk remedies without using medicines?

It is possible to get rid of this disease if it is expressed in swelling, rash or importunate itching. Folk remedies will help in getting rid of the symptoms of allergies and consequences.

Several saving recipes and recommendations:

  1. So, due to allergies on the skin there were rashes and irritation, use the tried and tested means for allergies at home, such as tincture of the turn. For cooking, art. l. turns and a glass of boiling water. Brew or steal it, the resulting broth drink 200 g for 30 minutes before eating.
  2. If the consequences of an allergy are swellings, and you do not have solutions to this problem, do not despair: make an infusion of herb Leonurus, hawthorn flowers, blackberry leaves and marsh swine. All components must be mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture of herbs (4-5 tablespoons), boil with boiling water (0.5 liters). The resulting infusion is poured into the thermos bottle and try to drink it all during the day.
  3. This recipe is contraindicated in patients suffering from hypotension, since the infusion helps to lower blood pressure in the blood vessels.
  4. If there is an itch, then do not worry. In this situation, the most effective is wiping with a solution of salt. The concentration of the solution, you determine yourself. After the procedure, you will feel that the irritation is partly reinforced, but, soon, it will recede and disappear completely.

In this case, a contra-indication is the wiping of the face with a solution.

How to get rid of allergies to ragweed, and is it possible?

In general, the most effective remedy for allergy to ragweed, of course, is moving, during its flowering, to where the weed does not grow. Nevertheless, this council has the opportunity to take advantage of not everyone. Therefore, here are some recipes for how to get rid of allergies to ambrosia folk remedies at home:

  1. Pass the celery through the meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Combine with honey (2 tbsp.) And stir well. Drink to 2-3 tbsp. before meals, 3 times a day. Drinking should be kept in the refrigerator.
  2. Nettle leaves also help with allergies. Cooking broth: 1 tbsp. l. dried nettle poured with boiling water (200 g). Then boil 10 m. Cooled broth to drink up to 6 times before meals for 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Help and needles of pine. Take the crushed rose hips - 2 tbsp. l. and 5 tbsp. l. crushed needles, connect them and mix. Fill the mixture with a liter of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Then filter and get the drug we drink 5-6 times a day.

You, of course, understood how to treat allergy to ragweed folk remedies, but it is worth saying that folk recipes can help only reduce the sufferings of patients, but definitively from allergies will not be healed. The main thing is to prevent an exacerbation and not to start the disease, otherwise it can go to bronchitis.

Allergies to ragweed are cured for a long time. And, the maximum result is reached when in the treatment of medicines people use methods and observe a special diet.


If pets live with you, they should be bathed daily. On the windows, install special mosquito nets from the pollen. If there are no grids, you can hang raw sheets. They will prevent the penetration of pollen into the room. Install an air cleaner or air conditioner.