The color pattern of "deep autumn"

Determining your color is very easy, but his knowledge will help you not make mistakes with the selection of the color of hair dye, make-up or clothing. After all, how often can you see on the street that some girls put on clothes that are not in their face at all. To avoid this, it is necessary to understand yourself. Let's get acquainted with the color-type "deep autumn" and its palette.

Colorotype of appearance "deep autumn"

In principle, the color patterns of autumn and spring are similar in many respects, but each of them has its own small features, which allow us to draw a clear line of separation.

Color of the skin. Girls of autumn color have a delicate skin of peach or golden hues, sometimes - a shade of ivory. Also, it is the autumn girls who are most often happy owners of the marks of the sun - freckles .

Hair color. The appearance of deep autumn from other color types can be distinguished, first of all, by the color of the hair. At all representatives of this type hair cast red. With a rusty shade, they also have eyebrows, and sometimes eyelashes.

Eye color. Varies from light tones of green, gray and blue to a rich chestnut shade. Quite often, the girls of this color-type near the pupil have golden impregnations, making their eyes look cat-like mischievous and radiant.

Clothes for color-type "deep autumn"

The main thing when choosing shades of clothing is to remember that the color-type of autumn needs soft shades. Ideally suited colors of the autumn forest - orange, yellow, gold, beige, pistachio, brick red. Up clothes should be in light colors, but the bottom (trousers, skirts) can be more dark shades. In addition, the girl of this color-type should not wear head-dresses of black or gray, it is better to choose a variety of shades of brown - they will give the face a pleasant shade.

Makeup for the color-type "deep autumn"

Tonal cream, powder and blush should be chosen gold, peach and beige shades. In the same tones, you need to do the rest of the makeup. Out of lipstick, in addition to the colors already mentioned, autumn is suitable for cherry, rich red, red with an aubergine shade. Among the shadows for the evening exit you can choose lilac, lilac, emerald and blue shades.