Baked meat

Baked meat is not only delicious, but also useful, because the way of cooking the food in the oven is considered the most preferable and recommended by nutritionists.

Meat, baked in the oven in foil in one piece



If you bake the meat in the oven in a whole piece, then only in foil or sleeve. Thus, it will remain juicy and will be incredibly delicious. For this purpose, a pork or veal pulp without a bone is suitable.

Ideally, the meat slice should be marinated for several hours. To do this, rinse it, moisten it with water, then rub it with a mixture of rock salt, ground pepper and coriander, dried basil or Italian herbs, and squeezed through a press or ground garlic. In the end, we savor a piece of mayonnaise and wipe it off from all sides.

We put the mashed meat on a double-folded foil, seal it, so that the juices do not leak when baked and placed on a baking tray in a heated oven up to 210 degrees. After an hour, if it's pork and after eighty minutes - if veal, take the parcel on a plate, let it cool down a little or completely (preferably), then unfold the foil, cut the slice into small portions and serve it to the table.

Meat, baked in the oven with potatoes and mushrooms



Pork or veal for baking in the oven with potatoes and mushrooms must be pre-marinated a little. For this, cut the product into slices up to one and a half centimeters thick and beat them with a cooking hammer. Then we combine the pieces with salt, ground pepper and season with the desired spices. We leave the meat in a bowl for a couple of hours, and during this time we prepare the remaining components of the dish. We peel the potatoes and cut them into thin circles, and the bulbs in rings.

Mushrooms are processed depending on the origin. The wood product must be boiled after additional washing for twenty minutes in salted water, and the mushrooms can be cut immediately without subjecting them to preliminary heat treatment. We grind also a hard cheese on a grater, and small sprigs of dill with a sharp knife.

Making out the dish, we put in the oily container for baking originally mashed meat, on top we distribute the onion rings, and on them the mushrooms. We rub the mushroom layer with dill, spread out potato mugs from the top and smear the dish with homemade mayonnaise.

Now it remains to wait for the baking of the food in the oven. To do this, it is heated to 200 degrees and set the timer for forty minutes, if taken for baking pork and for one hour - if veal. In the latter case, we prepare the dish for the first twenty minutes under a sheet of foil.

Meat baked in pumpkin



Incredibly original, tasty and spectacular dishes can be prepared according to this recipe. For this, we need a small pumpkin, which in the beginning is mine, cut off the top as a lid and scrape the inner flesh with the seeds.

In the frying pan, we first pass the onion and carrots on the sunflower oil, after which add the sliced ​​meat, and after another ten minutes of diced potatoes. We add water, add salt, pepper, basil and spices and let it fade for another five minutes. We shift the contents of the frying pan together with the liquid into the pumpkin "pot", cover it with a "lid", place the billet in the baking container and add some water to the bottom. We now wrap the composition with foil and send it for an hour and a half to the oven heated to 185 degrees.