Monthly passed, and the chest hurts

Quite often the girls make complaints to the gynecologist that they seem to have had a month's period, while the breast still hurts. In such cases, the severity in the mammary gland and the increase in the density of its tissues can be due, first of all, to an elevation in the blood level of the hormone estrogen. This can happen in different situations. We list the most common of them to answer the question as to why the menstruation has already ended, and the chest still hurts.

Chest pain after menstrual flow is a sign of pregnancy?

First of all, it should be noted that in the body of a woman, an increase in the concentration of estrogens in the blood can occur after conception. In addition, it must be said that the breast itself does not decrease in volume and remains slightly swollen, as in menstruation.

Mastopathy as the cause of mammary glands after menstruation

Often, doctors, in those cases when a woman has had periods, and breasts become sick and burn, suggest such a violation as mastopathy.

With it, the glandular tissue becomes denser, the gland becomes sharply painful. The disease develops against a background of hormonal imbalance.

How can the change in the hormonal background lead to chest pain after menstruation?

When a girl's period has already passed, and the chest still continues to ache, it is necessary to exclude such a phenomenon as a violation of the hormonal background. For this purpose, when you see a doctor, a blood test for hormones is prescribed. Only by its results it is possible to judge the presence or absence of hormonal failure. A similar situation is not uncommon for:

The most dangerous of the reasons discussed above that the menstrual period has passed and the woman's breast is swollen and aching may be an oncological process.