Lubistok - medicinal properties and contraindications

Ljubistok is a herbaceous perennial plant of the umbellate family, which is widely cultivated all over the world and has a multifaceted application. It is distinguished by a specific spicy aroma, similar to the smell of celery, as well as a sharp saline-bitter taste. This plant is used in folk medicine, homeopathy, and is recognized as the official medicine of many European countries. The main raw material is the roots of the lover, but it is also often used for medicinal purposes and its leaves. Let us consider what therapeutic properties are possessed by the roots and leaves of the lover, and what contraindications are available for their use.

Composition and therapeutic properties of lyubistok

In the chemical composition of the plant, an essential oil (found in all parts of the lyastoc) is found, which includes the following substances:

The roots of love also contain:

The leaves of the plant are rich in ascorbic acid and carotene.

Thanks to this set of ingredients, the lenticular roots have the following medicinal properties:

From the roots lovers prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions, which are recommended for use in such pathologies:

The leaves of the plant are used as an additional component in blood cleansing and gastric decoctions, applied with a headache, used for a broom in a bath for colds. In addition, both the leaves and roots of the young lover are used in cooking - they are added to salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes, marinades, etc.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of love from alcoholism

Ljubistok in folk healing is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against alcohol dependence, causing patients a strong aversion to alcohol. Because infusions and decoctions on the basis of love does not have a specific smell and taste, they can be used without the knowledge of the patient, from whom these drugs, mixed with alcohol, will cause a vomiting reflex. There are many recipes with love from alcoholism.

Infusion of love


Preparation and use

Crushed raw material pour vodka and insist for two weeks in a cool place. After that, filter and add small doses of the drug to drinks to the patient.

Applying this prescription secretly from the patient, you should make sure that he does not have an individual intolerance to the components of the remedy, as well as other contraindications.

Therapeutic properties of hair lover

The plant in question is an excellent means for improving the condition of the hair, preventing its loss, eliminating dandruff . The easiest way to apply lyubistok for hair is rinsing them with a decoction, which is prepared very simply.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

In the boiling water add raw materials and boil for half an hour under a lid on low heat. After that, cool and strain. Rinse hair after each washing of the head.

Contraindications lyubistoka: