What words do men like?

It has long been known that every word has its own power. Thanks to them, the relationship is strengthened. Because what has been said always reflects your feelings. The word is capable of both inspiring the deed and hurting to the core of the soul. It follows that when you realize what words men like, you will be able not only to achieve the desired man, but also to control his heart.

Let's try to figure out what kind of gentle words men like and when exactly they need to be pronounced. The choice of words depends on how long you know the partner and how skillfully you can recognize human behavior.

What words to say to a man?

Different types of people react in their own way to the same words. Let us consider this in more detail.

  1. Men athletic type, well-built, it is better to call the words in the diminutive carnal cases ("rabbit", "pupsichek", etc.). Turning to him, do not focus on his strength. He does not need to be reminded of this. He can relax only affectionate names, which means that he will experience pleasant feelings.
  2. And men, whose mental characteristics prevail over physical, it is worthwhile to say words that are capable of emphasizing their courage. For example, tell such a person that next to him you, like anyone else, feel protected.
  3. You will understand what words are pleasant to say to a man, when you experiment with making pet names for your lover. To do this, write down all possible variants of such a second name on a piece of paper.
  4. Sensitivity and expressiveness to your replicas will give different prefixes, prepositions (very, very, very).
  5. Do not forget about the excellent degrees of adjectives (the best, etc.). Watch the man's reaction to your words.
  6. Compliments of men all love. After all, compliments are correctly chosen words in a properly chosen situation. Just do not overdo it. Do not say some sky-high compliments (for example, "I never doubted that in the universe no one can compare with how you drive a car). Think about what has been said (for example, the best option would be "You are doing an excellent job controlling the machine, I feel that if it were not for your help, I would be late for this conference").
  7. Words of love accompany with touch. For example, when walking along the street, hold hands or have breakfast, stroke on the head of the lover, adding: "You are so good".

Do not forget that any pleasant words should be in moderation, so as not to dilute your man.