Multifollular ovaries

Multifollicular ovaries - this diagnosis often frightens patients and causes them a lot of questions. A strict view of the doctor, a record in the medical card and the woman is already in full swing and lost in conjecture.

In fact, the term multifollicular ovaries does not mean disease, but only characterizes the state of the ovaries, in which the number of follicles formed in it exceeds the norm. The follicle is the shell in which the egg ripens.

On average, during the menstrual cycle, about 4-7 follicles ripen, and as a result only one dominates, oppressing others. Multifollicularity involves the development in the ovary of 8-12 follicles at once. Such a deviation can be detected on ultrasound. At the same time, it is not necessary to confuse the signs of multifollicular ovaries with polycystosis. This disease is characterized by a sharp increase in the ovaries almost twice and a sufficiently strong thickening of their walls, which is not typical for multifollicularity. A detailed comparison can be seen in the table.

However, it is often difficult to distinguish the multifollicular structure of the ovaries from polycystic ultrasound. It is required to determine the hormonal background and constant observation at the gynecologist.

Multifollicular ovarian changes do not pertain to pathological abnormalities, and in and of itself is not the cause of infertility. This condition of the ovaries does not affect the ability of a woman to become pregnant, but the inhibition of the conception process is possible, since the menstrual cycle is lost, and it is more difficult to determine the period of ovulation.

If this process is observed in the first phase of the cycle, this phenomenon is not dangerous. In healthy women, such ovarian changes usually occur in the first week of the cycle.

The causes of multifollicular ovaries can be:

Multifollicular ovaries - symptoms

Multifollicularity does not carry with it certain symptoms. However, if this condition is caused by a deficiency of luteinizing hormone, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for a long time-from six months or more) or oligomenorrhoea (monthly ones rarely come). Such violations of the cycle should not be ignored, since they can indicate an initial stage of polycystosis, leading to the formation of cysts.

Multifollular ovaries - treatment

In most cases, this diagnosis does not require specific treatment, since it is accompanied by a normal cycle. But if there is a syndrome of multifollicular ovaries, in which there is no functioning yellow body, that is, there is no ovulation, it is necessary to proceed to normalize the hormonal background.

Self-treatment and treatment of multifalllicular ovaries by folk remedies is strictly prohibited! It is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the doctor and treat them with full seriousness, mainly it concerns uncontrolled reception of hormonal preparations, which can significantly worsen the picture. Even if the prescribed course of treatment is over, do not stop to conduct systematic examinations at the gynecologist and do ultrasound, especially when planning pregnancy.