Aligning the walls for wallpaper

The modern decoration of the walls in the room makes it possible to create a variety of interior designs and embody the boldest ideas. In the presence of a large assortment of finishing materials, the most popular are wallpapers. There are so many varieties of different price categories, but the alignment of the walls and the wallpapering of the wallpaper in all cases are approximately the same. In this article, we'll look at three basic methods for leveling walls before wallpapering.

Technology of leveling the walls for wallpaper putty

This type of training is considered to be classic. On sale you will find both ready-mixes and dry powders for cooking. Remember that the finished mixture dries very quickly and becomes unusable, so it should be prepared immediately before application.

Aligning the walls under the wallpaper is done in two stages. The first and second layers are called "starting" layers, a grid is laid between them. This makes it possible in the future to avoid the formation of microcracking. When applying layers, one rule must be taken into account: they must be superimposed in perpendicular directions.

Finish coating is applied in one or two layers very thinly. Immediately after grasping, they are washed away with a primer. When the last layer completely dries, it is peeled with a fine-grained sandpaper. This option of leveling the walls before wallpapering is suitable for a room where the walls are relatively flat and there is no need for more radical methods.

Technology of leveling the walls under the wallpaper with plaster

When the unevenness of the walls is visible to the naked eye, there is a sense in more laborious plastering works on wall preparation . The process is quite long, since each subsequent layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried completely.

Best of all, dry mixes based on portland cement have proven to be successful. Strength is so high that in some cases it is quite possible to do without a grid. First, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, remove all fragile areas and work on the primer.

After this, using a level along the edges of the wall, two vertical beacons are installed. These can be wooden slats or special finished perforated slats. Further between the fixed control beacons establish intermediate and equalize by means of cords.

Aligning the walls under the wallpaper occurs in three stages. First, a continuous layer of liquid plaster is applied to fill all the tassels and unevennesses, and the high-quality cohesion of the remaining layers. The second part of the work consists in applying a primer (a thicker solution), which level the surface. The last layer is applied very thinly and carefully smoothed. In the end, everything is sanded and the surface is ready for wallpapering.

Aligning the walls under the wallpaper with plasterboard

This method is great for premises in old buildings, where the walls are very uneven and use the putty simply does not make sense. Drywall sheets are environmentally friendly, because they can be safely applied for bedrooms or children's rooms. In addition, this material has high heat and sound insulation.

The technology consists in applying a special glue on the wall, which is smeared with a continuous layer on the wall surface and locally with "flat cakes" from the back of the sheet. Then the sheet is applied to the wall and glued unhurriedly with a tapping. For safety, dowels are used in several places.

If the surface has large irregularities, a frame is installed from the profile. First, one type of profile (UD) is fastened around the perimeter, then vertically with a step of about 60 cm of the other (CD). On this frame self-tapping screws are fastened to drywall sheets. All the joints and fastening points are processed with putty and only after that you can glue the wallpaper .