Which bananas are more useful, green or yellow?

Bananas are rich in an incredible amount of minerals that are useful for adults and children. A quality product should be mature, whole, juicy. The banana skin should have a uniformly yellow hue, preferably without black dots. This kind of bananas is ready for use. Keep them long is not worth it. But the green unripe fruit is specially transported in such a way as to deliver the cargo anywhere in the world. The process of ripening is already in place. Sellers know how to make green bananas yellow. For this, it is required to place them in a special storage unit with a certain temperature.

If bananas are not completely ripe, that is, they are not worth it. Especially, if the peel of such bananas has an unpleasant gray tint. There is already a cluster of bacteria that they can fend off rodents. Usually this color indicates that the product has undergone hypothermia. Choose between yellow and green bananas. And keep them in clusters, not separately.

Color matters

About what kind of bananas are more useful - yellow or green, you can find out from nutritionists. The color of a banana can tell a lot. A ripe banana with a bright skin has a sweet taste. Due to the rich content of enzymes in it, sugar quickly turns into monosaccharides. Overripe banana, sugary taste, is a continuous sugar. Therefore, it is worth choosing a product that is not orange, but a pale yellow shade, even in places slightly greenish. Ripe bananas can be selected for those who need to increase blood sugar.

More about the useful properties of a banana

Today, many people know that high-quality fruits have antioxidant properties. And now it has yet emerged that bananas have anti-cancer properties. The basic composition of nutrients banana - plant fibers, a complex of vitamins B6, C and E. 100 grams of banana contains 90 kilocalories. The product is necessary for the work of the brain, liver, intestine. In addition, bananas are rich in potassium, improve the quality of teeth, muscles, bones. Potassium helps to avoid dystrophy , adjust the balance of salts and fluids in the body. There are yellow and slightly green bananas. However, too green fruits are poorly digested by the body. But such bananas are good to use in cooking. At heat treatment in them the bitterness disappears. Although in general, no matter which banana is better - yellow or green, you can use bananas in any form to prepare dishes.