Caloric content of boiled chicken breast

Meat plays an important role in building and restoring muscle tissue. However, the meat of fatty varieties contains a sufficiently large number of calories, so the best option for dietary nutrition is the chicken breast. This is perhaps the most valuable part of the chicken, which combines a number of undeniable advantages. Effective means for losing weight chicken breast was due to a small amount of fat. The basis of the chicken breast is protein, it is 84% ​​in the energy ratio. Low calorie boiled chicken breast allows it to become the basis of many modern diets. Chicken breast can be found in any store or market. This product is much cheaper than analogues, for example, turkey fillet. However, chicken fillet cooked with conventional cooking, such as cooking, frying or baking, will taste rather dry.

Caloric content of chicken fillet depending on the method of preparation

Chicken fillet, or breast contains 113 kcal in 100 grams of the product. If the fillet is on the bone, then the caloric value is increased to 137 kcal. Chicken breast with a skin contains 164 kcal.

The calorie content of the boiled chicken breast is very low - only 95 kcal. All the remaining calories of boiled chicken breast are left in the broth.

The calorie content of the chicken breast is also small, and amounts to only 113 kcal. This way of cooking is suitable for those who watch their figure.

Energy indicators are also low in smoked chicken breast. They are equal to 119 kcal per 100 grams of product, but it is worth considering that this method of preparation can not be attributed to healthy food because of the various additives and preservatives used in the preparation of smoked meat.

It is not recommended for people who want to lose weight, eat fried chicken breast. Caloric content of this dish will be 197 kcal. Thus, the least amount of calories in the boiled chicken breast, so this method of cooking is best suited to people who want to adjust their figure.

Ingredients of chicken breast

The chicken breast is 84% ​​protein, which is about 23 grams per 100 grams of product. 15% fat, equal to 2 grams and only 1%, or 0.4 grams of carbohydrates. Inclusion in the diet of chicken breast allows you to properly balance nutrition, aimed at increasing muscle mass, and fat burning. From the chicken can be obtained in the required amount of protein, and carbohydrates replenish the body with the help of other products, such as cereals and vegetables.

The chicken breast contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for participation in all processes occurring in the human body. They are the catalyst of many processes, including protein synthesis. Thus, without the receipt of the necessary amount of macro- and microelements, weight loss and build-up of muscle mass will be impossible.

Vitamins support natural immunity, which is simply necessary for physical exertion. Chicken breast contains almost all vitamins that make up group B, as well as A, C and PP. It contains choline, which directly affects the functioning of the adrenal and kidneys. In addition, choline contributes to the purification of the liver from unnecessary fats. Potassium, available in the chicken breast, regulates the pressure and acts as electrolytes. It facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses. In chicken breast contains many macro- and microelements, such as sodium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, chlorine, phosphorus and others, which are necessary for normal functioning of the vital activity of the human body.