Seasoning zira - useful properties

Zira (cumin), like most spices, is a "foreigner": her homeland is India, and among the spicy "relatives" is a familiar parsley. This spice, also called cumin, is nothing more than the seeds of Indian caraway. It is popular on all continents and, in the opinion of gourmets, is the queen of seasonings. But the zira is not only a spice that gives the dish a unique taste and aroma, its useful properties are literally capable of creating miracles!

What is useful about zira?

Let's start with a purely practical benefit, because the cumin oil is used in perfumery, and the zira itself is widely used in cooking, confectionery and bakery industry, as well as pickling and pickling vegetables and mushrooms. Dishes with cumin acquire a special taste and aroma, but that's not all. Seasoning zira has also useful properties, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

It increases appetite, promotes better work of the gastrointestinal tract. Cumin is indispensable in the form of tea with attacks of nausea or vomiting, spasms of the stomach (1 tea spoon of powder per cup of boiling water), while its use for the removal of such attacks is recommended even for pregnant women. And for nursing mothers, the zira also reveals its useful properties: adding a moderate amount of seasoning to tea and other beverages, it is possible to stimulate lactation. Since ancient times, cumin is also known as an aphrodisiac .

What heals?

Cumin has gained fame not only as a seasoning, zira has long confirmed its healing properties. Its use will be useful in the treatment of bronchitis, a stable cough. Seasoning works well to restore the activity of the digestive tract and kidneys, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, especially in combination with coriander and fennel; has an easy diuretic and laxative effect. Cumin can be used as an additional tool for improving brain activity and vision. Specialists noted another amazing property of spice: it actively contributes to the destruction of various body tumors, both external and internal.

However, when talking about this wonderful seasoning, one must remember that the zira has both excellent medicinal properties and contraindications.

It is not recommended to use a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as people with high acidity of the stomach. And, of course, individual intolerance also plays a significant role here.