Indian sea rice - how to grow and apply a fungus?

Indian sea rice is a unique bacterial culture, representing a living laboratory where bacteria synthesize sugar and a combination of vitamins and organic acids. Fungus is known for its useful properties and has gained popularity among fans of healthy eating. With regular application, it positively affects all body systems and helps get rid of many ailments.

Indian sea rice - what is it?

People who first encountered an overseas product are interested in the question: sea rice - what is it? In Europe, culture came from India more than a century ago. As a matter of fact it is not rice, but a milk fungus, named so because of the similarity with the croup. It does not grow into the sea, it just arrived from a distance and used to be called "overseas". The nearest relatives of rice are tea and kefir fungi (Tibetan milk mushroom). The cultivated product lives in sweetened water. You can grow it at home, like a well-known tea mushroom. Tincture of sea rice has medicinal properties.

Indian sea rice - composition

Externally, the sea rice is similar to whitish gel-like balls, only remotely resembling croup (strongly digested). The special condition in which the bacteria reside is called zoogloea (from the Greek gloios - "sticky substance"). Isolating microorganisms glue together. But later the mass breaks up into separate granules - "rice". Zoogloea absorbs nutrients from the water, due to which bacteria grow. They are acetic acid and cause fermentation, in the process they form useful acids.

Indian sea rice - good and bad

On the healing properties of live fungus known for a long time, but it is less common than other similar cultures. Informal medicine uses Indian sea rice as a natural living medicine, its useful properties and contra-indications are much more extensive than its relatives. For the first time his influence was tried by the Polish doctor Shtilman in the 19th century. Having adjusted his health with the help of the fungus, he discovered his amazing qualities throughout Europe.

Indian sea rice - useful properties

Unconventional medicine uses natural things for getting rid of all kinds of ailments: plants, inanimate and living organisms. For the treatment of many diseases and improvement of health, sea rice is suitable; its usefulness is obvious. Consuming a drink from a milk fungus brings not only pleasure, but also a positive result. Bacteria and microorganisms saturate the liquid with acids, each of which contributes to the luggage of useful properties:

Many people believe that living fungus, growing at home, can replace many drugs. If you regularly eat sea rice, useful properties will have a beneficial effect on the body. The drink stimulates metabolic processes, a tonic and immunomodulating effect is achieved. Bad cholesterol and toxins are eliminated from the body. Indian sea rice has other positive qualities:

Indian sea rice - contraindications

Sometimes after consumption of milk fungus can occur negative manifestations. Due to abuse of the drink and addiction to it, diarrhea and discomfort in the respiratory tract (especially among asthmatics) appear. In allergics, when using rice for cosmetic purposes, unfavorable skin reactions appear. Not everyone can use sea rice, the contraindications to consumption are the following:

It is not recommended to engage in self-medication with rice, if it is a serious pathology. It is really useful, but it is necessary to consult a specialist who will tell you how to correctly combine the intake of essential medicines and mushroom kvass. As a multicomponent drug, Indian rice can enhance, accelerate or weaken the effects of certain medications.

What cures sea rice?

There is no evidence that Indian milk fungus cures many diseases. It is allowed to take for the prevention of various ailments, as well as in combination with drug therapy. Even healthy people for the general strengthening of the body and raising the immunity should regularly eat sea rice, the properties of which make it irreplaceable in other pathologies and diseases. The list of ailments is wide. Infusion of the fungus is taken at:

Indian sea rice - cooking

Having decided to experience the miraculous properties of the Indian fungus, people try to cultivate it at home. The question arises: how to prepare sea Indian rice by yourself? The fungus is unpretentious in the care, everyone can take up breeding at home. To grow rice, you need a minimum of ingredients, but most importantly - to extract the fungus. Indian marine live rice is sold in online stores. The cost is small - 50 rubles for a tablespoon, these for breeding will require four.

How to grow Indian sea rice?

For the cultivation of the fungus, only three things are required: a three-liter glass jar, gauze closing its neck, and purified water. The main thing that must be considered before growing Indian sea rice, in what environment will develop fungus. Water must be filtered, not piped. To grow rice, you need a warm dry place (a window sill or a wall cabinet, on which sun rays fall), liquid and top dressing. After the tincture is ready, the grains can be poured again. Kvass is recommended for the next 5 days.

Marine rice - recipe

When all preparations are ready, you can start cultivating the fungus. How to cook sea rice? The classical scheme of the action is as follows:

  1. In a clean jar put 4 st.lozhki fungus - Indian sea rice in a living form.
  2. Add top dressing: a few highlights or other dried fruit (dried apricots, figs, etc.). You can put 2 crumbs of black and white bread.
  3. Pour the sweetened water - at the rate of 3 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar per liter of water. It is allowed to breed a mushroom on milk.
  4. The neck of the jar is covered with gauze and put in a warm place. Fermentation occurs actively at 21-25 degrees.
  5. The fungus is infused for two days, then the liquid is filtered through the cheesecloth and merges into several containers for drinking.
  6. Rice is washed under cold water and laid back. You can prepare a new portion of rice kvass.

How to store Indian sea rice?

Marine rice, the care and preparation of which does not take a lot of work, should be properly stored. When the temperature is lowered to 20 degrees and below, the reproduction stops, and if it drops to 16-18 degrees, the grains become smaller and may die. How to store Indian sea rice? Live fungus (not cultivated) is not afraid of cold and should be stored in a glass container. It is recommended to have two portions of live granules, one of which should prepare a drink, and the other at that time lie in the refrigerator - but no longer than 5 days. Then they change each other.

Marine rice - application

Indian rice is not used in a living form, only its derivative. A drink from a curative fungus is consumed inside to get rid of various ailments and their prevention. The course of admission depends on the disease and its severity: from 20 to 120 days. But the product obtained from the fungus can be used in other ways:

  1. Like drops in the nose from the cold .
  2. For gargling with colds.
  3. As rubbers and compresses. With the help of the infusion it is possible to cure bruises, sprains, problems with the back.
  4. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, rice kvas is diluted with water (in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of the drink per 100 ml of water) and poured into the enema.
  5. Apply Indian sea rice in cosmetology as part of lotions and masks.
  6. Use the product as a bath salt, adding fungal milk to water.

Indian sea rice for weight loss

A natural and safe means by which you can get rid of excess weight - Indian sea rice. Lipase - a special enzyme in its composition - splits fats, struggling with accumulated deposits. Regular use of curative kvass returns to normal the metabolic processes of the body, which are disturbed by poor ecology, harmful food and other factors. How to take sea rice for weight loss? The intake is 150-200 ml of kvass twice a day. Preferably 15 minutes before meals.

Indian sea rice for face

Mushroom kvass is a natural lotion that has toning properties. With it, you can clean the pores, eliminate bacteria, refresh your face, remove dead cells. Indian mushroom sea rice produces a healing drink, which is customary to use inside on the second-third day. For cosmetic purposes, weekly infusion is used. To prepare a rejuvenating mask 1 tbsp. kvass is mixed with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. vegetable oil (pomegranate, sea buckthorn, etc.). The mask is applied to the face with a thin layer for 15-20 minutes, washed off with cool water.

Sea hair for hair

Marine rice on milk or water, infused for a long time (6-7 days), is used in hair care. Mushroom kvass is added to shampoos or used alone:

  1. To prepare natural shampoo st.lozhka rice tincture mixed with egg yolk, st.lozhko vegetable oil, diluted 0.5 cup warm water.
  2. On dry and brittle hair, a compress is applied from the heated vegetable oil mixed with rice kvass. Rubbed into the scalp, wrapped with a towel and held for 1-2 hours.
  3. Fat ringlets are recommended every two days to wipe with a mixture of fungus infusion (2 tablespoons) and vodka (half glass).
  4. If the hair is very greasy, the scalp needs attention. You can dilute ¼ cup of alcohol and st.lozhki weekly kvass. Instead of vodka, nutritious carrot juice is sometimes used.
  5. To return the strength to the damaged and colored locks help the preparation prepared from mushroom kvass, castor and burdock oil, mixed in proportions of 2: 1: 1. The mixture should be rubbed into the scalp daily.

Indian sea rice is a real storehouse of useful properties. You can find the application of the drink from the fungus in many areas. They supplement therapy from a variety of diseases, including cardiac pathologies, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, respiratory tract, neurological diseases. It is useful to drink mushroom infusion for the purpose of prophylaxis, to improve overall well-being, in addition, to apply it for the healing of hair and skin.