Sea Buckthorn Oil - Health Benefits

Once upon a time, sea buckthorn oil was a famous remedy for the treatment of wounded warriors. But over time, as pharmaceuticals developed, this natural medicine was gradually forgotten. Now, when people began to strive to surround themselves with natural remedies, sea buckthorn oil began to occupy former positions again: today it is used both for the treatment of various diseases and for the creation of cosmetic products.

What is useful for sea buckthorn oil?

Sea-buckthorn oil is made from fruits - small orange peas, which grow clusters on a branch of a bush or tree. Each fruit contains no more than 9% oil, which means that 100 g of natural sea-buckthorn oil requires at least a few kilograms of raw materials, and therefore 100%, undiluted oil should not be cheap.

Because the sea buckthorn contains a lot of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, carotene, tocopherol, unsaturated fatty acids, and trace elements (manganese, magnesium, iron, aluminum, silicon, etc.), then doubt its usefulness for an organism it is not necessary.

Sea-buckthorn oil has a beneficial effect on practically systems and organs, so its use has no contraindications.

First of all, this oil is known for healing wounds well, therefore it is widely used for ulcers and burns. Also, sea buckthorn oil can strengthen the vessels because of the high content of vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

Another area of ​​application of oil is the treatment of ENT organs. It helps to relieve inflammation and has a weak bactericidal property, due to which sea buckthorn oil is used in pregnancy, when it is undesirable to use synthetic antibiotics.

Treatment of sea buckthorn oil

Sea-buckthorn oil for gastritis is used as an additional treatment: it is necessary to take 2 tablespoons each. this natural medicine before eating, so that the food is better absorbed, and the inflamed mucosa less injured.

Sea buckthorn oil for burns is used in the form of compresses 24 hours after injury. To do this, take a sterile bandage, a clean cotton pad and soak it with oil. The compress is fixed with a bandage and held no more than 20 minutes, as the place of the burn should not be prohibited.

Sea-buckthorn oil for adenoids helps if it is instilled in 3 drops in each nostril for 2 weeks 3 times a day. However, before using it, you need to consult a doctor.

Sea-buckthorn oil for sinusitis is used after washing the sinuses of the nose with warm water so that it penetrates better into the tissue. After this procedure, 2-3 drops of oil are buried in the nose and the head is thrown back for 1 minute.

Sea buckthorn oil with stomach ulcers helps if it is drunk early in the morning 1 hour before breakfast at 3 tbsp. l. In this case, it promotes healing (that's why it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach). A month of such a procedure will necessarily improve the patient's condition, and, probably, will help the ulcer to drag on.

Sea-buckthorn oil for eyelashes is used as a growth stimulant: for this you need to lubricate them with oil every night with a brush. The effect will not take long after a week of regular application: eyelashes will become thicker, longer and will cease to fall out.

Sea-buckthorn oil from acne is used because of its strong anti-inflammatory effect. To reduce the redness of acne, make a make-up remover with the help of sea buckthorn oil or put it on a spot for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and a gel for washing.

Sea-buckthorn oil with stomatitis is a very effective tool that allows ulcers to be tightened after a few days. It also helps to relieve pain for a while, until the ulcers are tightened.

For this use tampons with sea buckthorn oil: take cotton, soak it with sea buckthorn oil and put the ulcer in place. Keep such a compress you need as long as possible, but not less than 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out several times a day until the stomatitis stops troubling.