
Many people know that some herbs and plants can positively influence human health. It is not uncommon for plants to cure complex diseases with the help of plants. Below we describe the positive properties of such plants as the Alexandrian leaf, what it represents, where it grows, how the use of the Alexandrian leaf can affect human health. And also consider other interesting issues.

A little bit about the plant itself

The plant of the Alexandrian leaf still has the name cassia narrow-leaved or leaves of Senna. The leaf grows, mainly in dry soil areas, such as the deserts of Asia, East Africa. In China, India and Asia, this plant is greatly appreciated for its useful properties. In our country it is grown artificially.

The alexandrine leaf grass is a low yellow shrub with erect stems. It has fruits resembling beans with a small amount of seeds. That is why he is referred to the family of legumes.

The flowering period of the shrub is June-September. The ripened fruits of the plant are harvested in October. It is interesting that the leaves of the bush have much more useful properties. They are used as raw materials for medicines. The plant contains a number of useful substances, such as:

Application for medicinal purposes

Since the Alexandrian leaf has many useful properties, today it is produced in medicine in the form of extracts, water infusions, powders and tablets. The plant has a laxative and choleretic effect on the human body. They also use it to treat the liver, hemorrhoids , gall bladder in the form of cooked broths and tinctures.

It can positively influence the condition of the upper skin of the skin, treat conjunctivitis. Interestingly, in Chinese medicine cassia narrow-leaved used to improve digestion and increase appetite.

Use to purify the body

Cassia narrow-leaved effectively helps to get rid of excess weight, both for women and for men. It is able to cleanse the intestines and the entire body from harmful slags, toxins, fecal stones.

Special tea with alexandrine leaf is very popular with its laxative and antiseptic effect. He leads the intestine into normal work, cleans it, improves the motor skills and reduces the level of absorption of fats.

The laxative effect after the use of the Alexandrian leaf is usually seen after 2-3 days, but the first results are noticeable after 6-8 hours.

Some caveats

Contraindications Alexandrian leaf also has. As with any other herbs, with the use of medicines and teas with the Alexandrine leaf should not be abused, so as not to cause addiction or irritation of mucous membranes. As you know, everything is good in moderation.

Before using infusions and decoctions, consult your doctor. There are some contraindications in the use of drugs with the Alexandrine leaf. For example, people with liver diseases, with cystitis , inflammation in the intestines and during pregnancy should not take it.

Cooking ourselves

You can prepare the infusion yourself by applying this recipe:

  1. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of the crushed plant.
  2. Pour the raw material 1 cup of hot boiled water.
  3. Let the mixture infuse for about eight hours.
  4. Strain and take half a glass in the morning and at night.

Health is easy to lose, but then difficult to restore. Therefore, it is better to make your hobby health promotion. And this will help cassia narrow-leaved.

Also remember that you should not abuse traditional medicine and self-medicate.