Folk remedies for constipation in adults

The undoubted advantage of folk medicine is that all the recipes it offers are based on substances donated to us by nature. The remedy for the notorious constipation is no exception. The feeling of overcrowding, pain in the abdomen, accompanied by a feeling of heartburn, nausea with the impossibility of defecation is familiar to almost any person. But for some of the people, chronic constipation is a real problem, since they lead to the formation of hemorrhoids and the failure of the whole digestive system. How to treat constipation in adults by folk remedies without harming one's health is suggested in the article.

How to cure constipation in adults with folk remedies?

Both folk and official medicine recommend for chronic constipation in the first place to regulate nutrition. Important aspects in this regard:

  1. In consumed food should contain a lot of fiber , and therefore, it is useful to eat vegetables, fruits, bran bread, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.
  2. Useful for the intestines of vegetable oils, but the number of animal fats is desirable to minimize.
  3. It should be taken as a habit to drink a glass of fresh kefir a day (bifidoc, ryazhenka, curdled milk or other unsweetened fermented milk product).
  4. It is necessary to drink several glasses of clean water a day, regardless of any other liquid consumed.
  5. Folk remedies for periodic constipation in adults
  6. If stool delays are observed from time to time, then one of the following folk remedies against constipation in adults can be used:
  7. Freshly squeezed juice of red or black chokeberry. Half a glass of juice is added a teaspoon of honey. After taking the remedy, drink it with a glass of unboiled water.
  8. Pickled cabbage brine, taken before meals. The remedy is not suitable for those who have high acidity.
  9. Infusion on the seeds of flax, senna leaves, licorice root and jostler fruits. Finely chopped components are poured with boiling water and insisted for several hours. Drink a half-cup 2-3 times a day.

The proposed folk remedies for treating constipation in adults are taken until the stool is normalized.

For your information! In special cases, you can use the folk remedy for constipation in adults, acting very quickly - castor oil.

Folk remedies for chronic constipation in adults

Treatment of chronic constipation is a systemic and lengthy process. Among the best folk remedies for constipation in adults:

  1. Beetroot salad, seasoned with olive or other vegetable oil. It is important to eat such a cleansing salad every day on an empty stomach in the amount of 200 g.
  2. Aloe juice with honey, taken before breakfast one teaspoon.
  3. A mixture of prunes, dried apricots and figs, boiled with boiling water. After eating the steamed fruit, the liquid should also be drunk.
  4. Mature apples related to green varieties.
  5. Compote of rhubarb.
  6. Juices of celery and spinach. They can be taken separately or in a mixture with each other, as well as with the addition of beet juice.
  7. Slightly fermented juice of fresh berries of black elderberry with sugar.
  8. A teaspoon of flaxseed, steamed in a glass of boiling water. Cooled liquid is drunk, and the seeds are eaten, they should be thoroughly chewed.
  9. Decoction from the roots of burdock and stalk, fruits of coriander, taken in equal proportions.

With constipation on nerves, phytotea, from equal amounts of peppermint, valerian root, motherwort and buckthorn bark, helps a lot. Two tablespoons of vegetable collection pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes on a steam bath. The finished product is diluted with cold water to make 200 ml of liquid, and drink before bed.