The first signs of hemorrhoids

The most important aspect of the effectiveness of treatment and the speed of recovery in the inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins is the timeliness of the detection of pathology. The earlier the disease is identified, the easier it is for the patient and the proctologist to cope with it. Knowing the first signs of hemorrhoids, you can unmistakably pre-diagnose this unpleasant problem and immediately contact her to a specialist, avoiding the need for subsequent surgical interventions.

What signs of hemorrhoids appear first?

The earliest symptom of the described ailment is discomfort in the rectum. They occur rarely, usually in the evening and under certain conditions:

Discomfort is manifested as a feeling of heaviness, raspiraniya, pressure or a second acute pain in the anus. Such feelings quickly disappear on their own.

There are also such signs of the appearance of hemorrhoids and diseases of the rectum veins as a periodic burning and itching. They arise due to the release from the damaged blood vessels of an increased amount of mucus, sometimes with an admixture of blood. The presence of moisture between the buttocks and in the rectum irritates the skin and inner shells of the organ, provoking these clinical manifestations.

Another early symptom of hemorrhoids - violations of defecation. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the development of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and habits in the diet, this can be constipation and diarrhea. With the regular detection of such dyspeptic disorders, there is a high probability of inflammation of the veins in the rectum.

Specific initial signs of hemorrhoids

If you do not pay attention to the previously described symptoms, the pathology will continue to progress and there will be more pronounced manifestations of inflammation of the hemorrhoids:

  1. Bleeding. Usually, after defecation on toilet paper or feces, a small amount of blood remains, 1-2 drops. Also, red drops can be present on the underwear, the walls of the toilet bowl.
  2. Excretion of mucus. In the stool, inclusions of light or orange-brown color are found. On the contents of the intestine, large mucous drops are clearly visible.
  3. Pain syndrome. A person experiences severe discomfort, itching and stitching pain in the anus, especially during sitting and walking. Gradually, these symptoms become permanent, independent of the position of the body.

The presence of these clinical manifestations indicates a significant inflammatory process inside the rectum, swelling and puffiness of the hemorrhoidal veins. At this stage, constipation increases, feces become hard and segmented ("sheep feces").

Obvious signs of venous and hemorrhoids

There are also so pronounced symptoms that the examined pathology can not be confused with other diseases.

The most obvious manifestation of hemorrhoids is the prolapse of inflamed veins to the outside. It looks like protrusion of the mucous membrane from the anus. At first, such nodes recede back after defecation (independently), but as the disease progresses, this ability disappears, and the "bumps" remain on the outside of the rectum.

With the fall of the hemorrhoids, all the previously described symptoms intensify, especially pain and discomfort. A person can not sit on solid surfaces, walk a long time and engage in elementary physical labor, emptying the intestine is difficult.