Rest on Baikal by the savage

Rest on Lake Baikal in recent years is becoming more popular among the inhabitants of Russia and not only. Everybody knows from school textbooks that Baikal is the deepest lake of tectonic origin in the world, and it is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. But can such dry facts convey the incredible power of the elements and the endless beauty of the watery surface, the bright colors of the coastal vegetation and the enticing steppe expanses? Of course, Baikal is a place that you need to see with your own eyes to appreciate its unsurpassed beauty and, perhaps, will come back here again.

Where will it stop?

Rest on the lake can be very diverse: in comfortable hotels and sanatoriums, inexpensive camp sites and guest houses, as well as savage. Rest on the Baikal savage has a number of undeniable advantages:

If the lack of amenities does not frighten you and the decision on independent travel is finally accepted, it's time to properly organize it. Let's try to answer the main questions: how, where and when to go, and also what you need for rest as a savage.

  1. The best time to relax on Lake Baikal is just two summer months, but rather even a very short interval from mid-July to mid-August. The rest of the year in the coastal zone is rather cold and uncomfortable for the lovers of extreme conditions. But even in summer, rest on the Baikal savage can be slightly spoiled by a strong, long and cold wind, sharp temperature changes day and night. Therefore, at any time of the year with yourself you need to have enough warm things.
  2. Careful study of the travel route is almost the main part of organizational training. A trip on your own car should begin with the study of the road map leading to the selected resting place and assessing the technical capabilities of the vehicle. It is clear that it is extremely unreasonable to go on a road trip on a small city machine. If you want to get to the future place of pastime planned different types of public transport, the route should be carefully thought out with sufficient intervals between transplants.
  3. Living in a private house is the most popular variant of a "wild" holiday on Lake Baikal. There you can provide the most simple and inexpensive food. Lovers of extreme rest choose to stay overnight in tents : in organized tent camps or in remote corners of the coast. Nutrition in this case will have to be provided independently from the previously stocked products, besides, the most inexperienced fisherman will easily get his food in the fish-rich waters of Lake Baikal.
  4. Independent tourists can diversify their vacation with excursions to the most curious places of the Baikal region, improve their health on thermal springs. For new experiences, you can go on a cruise on a motor ship or private yachts, go to remote places on the coast on horseback or organize rafting on a mountain river, and in winter ride a dog sled or snowmobile.